90 lines
3.9 KiB
90 lines
3.9 KiB
import discord
import io
import re
import sys
SPOILER_REGEX = re.compile(r'spoil|\bcw\b', re.IGNORECASE)
intents = discord.Intents.default()
intents.message_content = True
client = discord.Client(intents=intents)
def mentions_me(message):
return client.user in message.mentions or [client.user] in [role.members for role in message.role_mentions]
async def on_ready():
print('logged in as {0.user}'.format(client), file=sys.stderr)
async def on_message(message):
if message.author == client.user:
if ((SPOILER_REGEX.search(message.content) or mentions_me(message))
and message.attachments
and not any(a.is_spoiler() for a in message.attachments)):
pluralkit = False
if message.webhook_id is not None:
webhook = await client.fetch_webhook(message.webhook_id)
except discord.Forbidden as e:
print('error fetching message webhook: {0}'.format(e), file=sys.stderr)
await message.channel.send("I can't inspect the webhook on this message because I don't have the permissions I need. This is important so I can interact properly with messages sent by PluralKit. Admins, please make sure I have the Manage Webhooks permission in all channels where people want to use me.")
except discord.DiscordException as e:
print('error fetching message webhook: {0}'.format(e), file=sys.stderr)
if webhook.user is not None and webhook.user.name == "PluralKit":
pluralkit = True
# If this is a message that's being reposted by PluralKit,
# assume we already caught and reposted the original, and
# just delete this one without reposting a spoilered version
if not pluralkit:
attachments = []
for a in message.attachments:
f = await a.to_file()
f.filename = 'SPOILER_' + f.filename
except discord.DiscordException as e:
print('error reading attachments: {0}'.format(e), file=sys.stderr)
spoilered_message = await message.channel.send("{0} says: {1}".format(message.author.mention, message.content), files=attachments)
await spoilered_message.add_reaction('❌')
except discord.DiscordException as e:
print('error reacting to message: {0}'.format(e))
except discord.DiscordException as e:
print('error sending message: {0}'.format(e), file=sys.stderr)
await message.delete()
except discord.Forbidden as e:
print('error deleting message: {0}'.format(e))
await message.channel.send("I can't delete the original unspoiled message because I don't have the permissions I need. Admins, please make sure I have the Manage Messages permission in all channels where people want to use me.")
except discord.DiscordException as e:
print('error deleting message: {0}'.format(e))
elif mentions_me(message):
await message.channel.send("upload an image and put 'spoil' or 'cw' (doesn't have to be lowercase) anywhere in the description, and I'll spoiler it for you. to delete your post, add a :x: react to it.")
async def on_reaction_add(reaction, user):
if (reaction.message.author == client.user
and str(reaction.emoji) == '❌'
and reaction.message.content.startswith('{0} says: '.format(user.mention))):
await reaction.message.delete()
except discord.DiscordException as e:
print('error deleting my own message: {0}'.format(e))
with open('token') as f:
token = f.read().strip()