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@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ DLSITE_ID_REGEX = re.compile('^[BR]J[0-9]+$')
FANZA_ID_REGEX = re.compile('^d_[0-9]+$')
FAKKU_ID_REGEX = re.compile('.*_FAKKU$')
HI_RES_REGEX = re.compile('高解像度|原寸', re.I)
HI_RES_REGEX = re.compile('高解像度|原寸|大サイズ', re.I)
NO_TONE_REGEX = re.compile('トーン(効果)?[な無]し|グレースケール', re.I)
TONE_REGEX = re.compile('トーン(版|(効果)?[有あ]り)', re.I)
COLOR_REGEX = re.compile('カラー', re.I)
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ IMAGE_QUALITY_REGEXES = [
{ 'better': NO_TONE_REGEX, 'worse': TONE_REGEX },
{ 'better': COLOR_REGEX, 'worse': MONOCHROME_REGEX },
IMAGE_RESOLUTION_REGEX = re.compile('^(?P<x>[0-9]+)x(?P<y>[0-9]+)$')
'en_US': re.compile('english|英語', re.I),
@ -441,20 +442,25 @@ class Collator:
if select_language is not False:
return select_language
if len(srcs) == 2 and all(src.is_dir() for src in srcs):
dirs = [src for src in srcs if src.is_dir()]
non_dirs = [src for src in srcs if not src.is_dir()]
if len(dirs) == 2 and len(descendant_files_ignore(dirs[0], self.exclude)) == len(descendant_files_ignore(dirs[1], self.exclude)):
resolution_matches = [IMAGE_RESOLUTION_REGEX.match(nname(src)) for src in dirs]
if all(resolution_matches):
pairs = [(int('x')), int('y'))) for m in resolution_matches]
for i in range(2):
if pairs[i][0] > pairs[1-i][0] and pairs[i][1] > pairs[1-i][1]:
return self.collate_from_paths([dirs[i]] + non_dirs)
def a_not_b(a, b, src):
if a in quality:
return quality[a].search(nname(src))
return not quality[b].search(nname(src))
better_srcs = [src for src in srcs if a_not_b('better', 'worse', src)]
worse_srcs = [src for src in srcs if a_not_b('worse', 'better', src)]
if len(better_srcs) == 1 and len(worse_srcs) == 1 and better_srcs[0] != worse_srcs[0]:
better = better_srcs[0]
worse = worse_srcs[0]
if len(descendant_files_ignore(better, self.exclude)) == len(descendant_files_ignore(worse, self.exclude)):
return self.collate_from_paths([better])
better_dirs = [src for src in dirs if a_not_b('better', 'worse', src)]
worse_dirs = [src for src in dirs if a_not_b('worse', 'better', src)]
if len(better_dirs) == 1 and len(worse_dirs) == 1 and better_dirs[0] != worse_dirs[0]:
return self.collate_from_paths(better_dirs + non_dirs)
images_vs_pdf = self.try_collate_images_vs_pdf(srcs)
if images_vs_pdf is not False: