diff --git a/contrib_bots/lib/CommuteBot/doc.md b/contrib_bots/lib/CommuteBot/doc.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..48e969f --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib_bots/lib/CommuteBot/doc.md @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +This bot will allow briefings of estimated travel times, distances and fare information for transit travel. + +It can respond to: departure times, arrival times, user preferences (toll avoidance, highway avoidance) and a mode of transport + +It can output: fare information, more detailed addresses on origin and destination, duration in traffic information, metric and imperical units and information in various languages. + +The bot will respond to the same stream input was in. And if called as private message, the bot will reply with a private message. + +To setup the bot, you will first need to move google-commute.ini into the user home directory and add an API key. + +Move
into ~/google-commute.ini
+To add an API key, please visit: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/distance-matrix/start to retrieve a key and copy your api key into google-commute.ini
+Sample input and output:
+@commute help
+Obligatory Inputs:
+ Origin e.g. origins=New+York,NY,USA
+ Destination e.g. destinations=Chicago,IL,USA
+Optional Inputs:
+ Mode Of Transport (inputs: driving, walking, bicycling, transit)
+ Default mode (no mode input) is driving
+ e.g. mode=driving or mode=transit
+ Units (metric or imperial)
+ e.g. units=metric
+ Restrictions (inputs: tolls, highways, ferries, indoor)
+ e.g. avoid=tolls
+ Departure Time (inputs: now or (YYYY, MM, DD, HH, MM, SS) departing)
+ e.g. departure_time=now or departure_time=2016,12,17,23,40,40
+ Arrival Time (inputs: (YYYY, MM, DD, HH, MM, SS) arriving)
+ e.g. arrival_time=2016,12,17,23,40,40
+ Languages:
+ Languages list: https://developers.google.com/maps/faq#languagesupport)
+ e.g. language=fr
+Sample request:
+ @commute origins=Chicago,IL,USA destinations=New+York,NY,USA language=fr
+Please note:
+ Fare information can be derived, though is solely dependent on the
+ availability of the information released by public transport operators.
+ Duration in traffic can only be derived if a departure time is set.
+ If a location has spaces in its name, please use a + symbol in the
+ place of the space/s.
+ A departure time and a arrival time can not be inputted at the same time
+ No spaces within addresses.
+ Departure times and arrival times must be in the UTC timezone,
+ you can use the timezone bot.
diff --git a/contrib_bots/lib/CommuteBot/google-commute.ini b/contrib_bots/lib/CommuteBot/google-commute.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88f60d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib_bots/lib/CommuteBot/google-commute.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+api_key = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
diff --git a/contrib_bots/lib/commute_bot.py b/contrib_bots/lib/commute_bot.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c77216
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib_bots/lib/commute_bot.py
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+from __future__ import print_function
+import datetime as dt
+import requests
+from os.path import expanduser
+from six.moves import configparser as cp
+home = expanduser('~')
+CONFIG_PATH = home + '/google-commute.ini'
+class CommuteHandler(object):
+ '''
+ This plugin provides information regarding commuting
+ from an origin to a destination, providing a multitude of information.
+ It looks for messages starting with '@commute'.
+ '''
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.api_key = self.get_api_key()
+ def usage(self):
+ return '''
+ This plugin will allow briefings of estimated travel times,
+ distances and fare information for transit travel.
+ It can vary outputs depending on traffic conditions, departure and
+ arrival times as well as user preferences
+ (toll avoidance, preference for bus travel, etc.).
+ It looks for messages starting with '@commute'.
+ Users should input an origin and a destination
+ in any stream or through private messages to the bot to receive a
+ response in the same stream or through private messages if the
+ input was originally private.
+ Sample input:
+ @commute origins=Chicago,IL,USA destinations=New+York,NY,USA
+ @commute help
+ '''
+ help_info = '''
+ Obligatory Inputs:
+ Origin e.g. origins=New+York,NY,USA
+ Destination e.g. destinations=Chicago,IL,USA
+ Optional Inputs:
+ Mode Of Transport (inputs: driving, walking, bicycling, transit)
+ Default mode (no mode input) is driving
+ e.g. mode=driving or mode=transit
+ Units (metric or imperial)
+ e.g. units=metric
+ Restrictions (inputs: tolls, highways, ferries, indoor)
+ e.g. avoid=tolls
+ Departure Time (inputs: now or (YYYY, MM, DD, HH, MM, SS) departing)
+ e.g. departure_time=now or departure_time=2016,12,17,23,40,40
+ Arrival Time (inputs: (YYYY, MM, DD, HH, MM, SS) arriving)
+ e.g. arrival_time=2016,12,17,23,40,40
+ Languages:
+ Languages list: https://developers.google.com/maps/faq#languagesupport)
+ e.g. language=fr
+ Sample request:
+ @commute origins=Chicago,IL,USA destinations=New+York,NY,USA language=fr
+ Please note:
+ Fare information can be derived, though is solely dependent on the
+ availability of the informatipython run.py lib/followup.py --config-file ~/.zuliprc-localon released by public transport operators.
+ Duration in traffic can only be derived if a departure time is set.
+ If a location has spaces in its name, please use a + symbol in the
+ place of the space/s.
+ A departure time and a arrival time can not be inputted at the same time
+ To add more than 1 input for a category,
+ e.g. more than 1 destinations,
+ use (|), e.g. destinations=Empire+State+Building|Statue+Of+Liberty
+ No spaces within addresses.
+ Departure times and arrival times must be in the UTC timezone,
+ you can use the timezone bot.
+ '''
+ def triage_message(self, message):
+ # return True iff we want to (possibly) response to this message
+ original_content = message['content']
+ # This next line of code is defensive, as we
+ # never want to get into an infinite loop of posting follow
+ # ups for own follow ups!
+ if message['display_recipient'] == 'commute':
+ return False
+ is_commute = original_content.startswith('@commute')
+ return is_commute
+ # adds API Authentication Key to url request
+ def get_api_key(self):
+ # google-commute.ini must have been moved from
+ # ~/zulip/contrib_bots/lib/CommuteBot/google-commute.ini into
+ # /google-commute.ini for program to work
+ # see doc.md for more information
+ with open(CONFIG_PATH) as settings:
+ config = cp.ConfigParser()
+ config.readfp(settings)
+ return config.get('Google.com', 'api_key')
+ # determines if bot will respond as a private message/ stream message
+ def send_info(self, message, letter, client):
+ if message['type'] == 'private':
+ client.send_message(dict(
+ type='private',
+ to=message['sender_email'],
+ content=letter,
+ ))
+ else:
+ client.send_message(dict(
+ type='stream',
+ subject=message['subject'],
+ to=message['display_recipient'],
+ content=letter,
+ ))
+ def calculate_seconds(self, time_str):
+ times = time_str.split(',')
+ times = [int(x) for x in times]
+ # UNIX time from January 1, 1970 00:00:00
+ unix_start_date = dt.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
+ requested_time = dt.datetime(*times)
+ total_seconds = str(int((requested_time-unix_start_date)
+ .total_seconds()))
+ return total_seconds
+ # adds departure time and arrival time paramaters into HTTP request
+ def add_time_to_params(self, params):
+ # limited to UTC timezone because of difficulty with user inputting
+ # correct string for input
+ if 'departure_time' in params:
+ if 'departure_time' != 'now':
+ params['departure_time'] = self.calculate_seconds(params['departure_time'])
+ elif 'arrival_time' in params:
+ params['arrival_time'] = self.calculate_seconds(params['arrival_time'])
+ return
+ # gets content for output and sends it to user
+ def get_send_content(self, rjson, params, message, client):
+ try:
+ # JSON list of output variables
+ variable_list = rjson["rows"][0]["elements"][0]
+ # determines if user has valid inputs
+ not_found = (variable_list["status"] == "NOT_FOUND")
+ invalid_request = (rjson["status"] == "INVALID_REQUEST")
+ no_result = (variable_list["status"] == "ZERO_RESULTS")
+ if no_result:
+ self.send_info(message,
+ "Zero results\nIf stuck, try '@commute help'.",
+ client)
+ return
+ elif not_found or invalid_request:
+ raise IndexError
+ except IndexError:
+ self.send_info(message,
+ "Invalid input, please see instructions."
+ "\nIf stuck, try '@commute help'.", client)
+ return
+ # origin and destination strings
+ begin = 'From: ' + rjson["origin_addresses"][0]
+ end = 'To: ' + rjson["destination_addresses"][0]
+ distance = 'Distance: ' + variable_list["distance"]["text"]
+ duration = 'Duration: ' + variable_list["duration"]["text"]
+ output = begin + '\n' + end + '\n' + distance
+ # if user doesn't know that default mode is driving
+ if 'mode' not in params:
+ mode = 'Mode of Transport: Driving'
+ output += '\n' + mode
+ # determines if fare information is available
+ try:
+ fare = ('Fare: ' + variable_list["fare"]["currency"]
+ + variable_list["fare"]["text"])
+ output += '\n' + fare
+ except (KeyError, IndexError):
+ pass
+ # determines if traffic duration information is available
+ try:
+ traffic_duration = ('Duration in traffic: '
+ + variable_list["duration_in_traffic"]
+ ["text"])
+ output += '\n' + traffic_duration
+ except (KeyError, IndexError):
+ output += '\n' + duration
+ # bot sends commute information to user
+ self.send_info(message, output, client)
+ # creates parameters for HTTP request
+ def parse_pair(self, content_list):
+ result = {}
+ for item in content_list:
+ # enables key value pair
+ org = item.split('=')
+ # ensures that invalid inputs are not entered into url request
+ if len(org) != 2:
+ continue
+ key, value = org
+ result[key] = value
+ return result
+ def receive_response(self, params, message, client):
+ def validate_requests(request):
+ if request.status_code == 200:
+ return request.json()
+ else:
+ self.send_info(message,
+ "Something went wrong. Please try again."
+ + " Error: {error_num}.\n{error_text}"
+ .format(error_num=request.status_code,
+ error_text=request.text), client)
+ return
+ r = requests.get('https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/'
+ + 'distancematrix/json', params=params)
+ result = validate_requests(r)
+ return result
+ def handle_message(self, message, client, state_handler):
+ original_content = message['content']
+ content_list = original_content.split()
+ if "help" in content_list:
+ self.send_info(message, self.help_info, client)
+ return
+ params = self.parse_pair(content_list)
+ params['key'] = self.api_key
+ self.add_time_to_params(params)
+ rjson = self.receive_response(params, message, client)
+ if not rjson:
+ return
+ self.get_send_content(rjson, params, message, client)
+handler_class = CommuteHandler
+handler = CommuteHandler()
+def test_parse_pair():
+ result = handler.parse_pair(['departure_time=2016,12,20,23,59,00',
+ 'dog_foo=cat-foo'])
+ assert result == dict(departure_time='2016,12,20,23,59,00',
+ dog_foo='cat-foo')
+def test_calculate_seconds():
+ result = handler.calculate_seconds('2016,12,20,23,59,00')
+ assert result == str(1482278340)
+def test_get_api_key():
+ # must change to your own api key for test to work
+ result = handler.get_api_key()
+ assert result == 'abcdefghijksm'
+def test_helper_functions():
+ test_parse_pair()
+ test_calculate_seconds()
+ test_get_api_key()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ test_helper_functions()
+ print('Success')