This commit fixes a couple of things:
* Removes the command line argument called release_version, now
one doesn't have to supply a version number when running just
running --cleanup, for instance.
* Run --cleanup before building the wheels and sdists. This is so
that outdated distributions are removed before generating new
* Set IS_PYPA_PACKAGE back to False at the end of the --build
process so that we don't accidentally set it to True. This was
a huge bug in the previous version of the script. Bot communicates with the API. It can be configured with
any token and allows for setting up a custom handler function to
handle responses.
This commit was originally from @fredfishgames, but it
needed a big rebase due to use letting it sit too long.
Also, we decided not to have shebangs at the top of test
This adds mypy annotations, and we also make the type
conversions in `handle_message` be a little more clear.
(@showell helped clean up this commit a bit)
Chess Bot is a bot that allows you to play chess against either another
user or the computer. Use `start with other user` or
`start as <color> with computer` to start a game.
In order to play against a computer, `chess.conf` must be set with the
key `stockfish_location` set to the location of the Stockfish program on
this computer.
Use `` to preserve game state across messages.
(@showell also did minor work here to have the test use verify_dialog()
and have the bot respond to empty messages)
Since we have dropped Python 2 support for the bots and botserver
packages, we now have 'invalid' syntax if we run coverage
for all packages in a Python 2 environment.
This program replaces, which had
gotten a little out of date.
It should be able to simulate a terminal conversation for
all of our bots, including those that use "advanced" features:
third party config files: tested with giphy
message updates: tested with incrementor
storage: tested with virtual_fs and others
Before this patch, we were reading in old coverage data every
time we ran test-main and had a .coverage file lying around.
This would cause inaccurate data when you changed code, and it
would cause crashes if you moved your working directory on the
file system.
unittest includes by default all module-level classes that inherit
from TestCase and implement at least one method starting with 'test'.
Since it doesn't provide a convenient way for excluding TestSuites,
we need to manually filter out the unwanted testing of our test base
class itself.
This removes the excessively verbose lists of files
to be tested, and flushes the output after every print
to update the user on the current status in real time.
This commit adds a script to automate the PyPA release of the
zulip, zulip_bots and zulip_botserver packages.
The tools/release-packages script would take care of uploading
the packages to PyPA, and push commits to both repos updating the
package versions. If you have commit access to the repos, you
can --push upstream to master. If not, then you can --push
origin to a new branch on your fork and create a PR for those
Ideally, a release shouldn't take longer than however long it
takes one to type the above command. If you have SSH set up on
GitHub, you won't need to type in your GitHub username and
password. You can also store your PyPA credentials in a file
in your home directory; it isn't very secure, but it saves
time nevertheless.
We now have a custom command in zulip_bots/ to generate
a To generate a MANIFEST for a PyPA release, we
can now run:
python gen_manifest --release
To generate a non-release MANIFEST, we can run:
python gen_manifest
This allows us to automate the MANIFEST generation in our
release automation script.