We now have a custom command in zulip_bots/setup.py to generate
a MANIFEST.in. To generate a MANIFEST for a PyPA release, we
can now run:
python setup.py gen_manifest --release
To generate a non-release MANIFEST, we can run:
python setup.py gen_manifest
This allows us to automate the MANIFEST generation in our
release automation script.
The generate_manifest.py script now takes a --release argument
that generates a separate MANIFEST for a PyPA release that
* doc.md files
* related assets/* files
A release MANIFEST doesn't include logos and fixtures.
A non-release MANIFEST includes everything.
This eliminates the need to setup dev environment and to
create a bot, setup zuliprc file, subscribe the bot to the
stream in order to try out a bot.
Manual command get-bot-output gives the bots response content
This bot depends on PyDictionary, which isn't very well-implemented
or well-maintained. PyDictionary's dependency on goslate and
goslate's dependency on concurrent.futures has been known to cause
problems in Python 3 virtualenvs. This bot has also been the
source of disruptive BeautifulSoup warnings. Since this bot is only
meant to be an example bot, and for all the above reasons,
it makes sense to remove this bot. The cons of debugging the above
issues outweight the pros of having the bot at all.