#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2012 Zulip, Inc. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files # (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, # publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, # and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. from __future__ import absolute_import from typing import IO, Any, Dict, List, Text, Union, Set, Tuple, Optional, cast from types import FrameType import sys from six.moves import map from six.moves import range import json import re import time import subprocess import optparse import os import datetime import textwrap import time import signal import logging import hashlib import tempfile import select DEFAULT_SITE = "https://api.zulip.com" class States(object): Startup, ZulipToZephyr, ZephyrToZulip, ChildSending = list(range(4)) CURRENT_STATE = States.Startup logger = cast(logging.Logger, None) # type: logging.Logger # FIXME cast should not be needed? def to_zulip_username(zephyr_username): # type: (str) -> str if "@" in zephyr_username: (user, realm) = zephyr_username.split("@") else: (user, realm) = (zephyr_username, "ATHENA.MIT.EDU") if realm.upper() == "ATHENA.MIT.EDU": # Hack to make ctl's fake username setup work :) if user.lower() == 'golem': user = 'ctl' return user.lower() + "@mit.edu" return user.lower() + "|" + realm.upper() + "@mit.edu" def to_zephyr_username(zulip_username): # type: (str) -> str (user, realm) = zulip_username.split("@") if "|" not in user: # Hack to make ctl's fake username setup work :) if user.lower() == 'ctl': user = 'golem' return user.lower() + "@ATHENA.MIT.EDU" match_user = re.match(r'([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\|(.+)', user) if not match_user: raise Exception("Could not parse Zephyr realm for cross-realm user %s" % (zulip_username,)) return match_user.group(1).lower() + "@" + match_user.group(2).upper() # Checks whether the pair of adjacent lines would have been # linewrapped together, had they been intended to be parts of the same # paragraph. Our check is whether if you move the first word on the # 2nd line onto the first line, the resulting line is either (1) # significantly shorter than the following line (which, if they were # in the same paragraph, should have been wrapped in a way consistent # with how the previous line was wrapped) or (2) shorter than 60 # characters (our assumed minimum linewrapping threshold for Zephyr) # or (3) the first word of the next line is longer than this entire # line. def different_paragraph(line, next_line): # type: (str, str) -> bool words = next_line.split() return (len(line + " " + words[0]) < len(next_line) * 0.8 or len(line + " " + words[0]) < 50 or len(line) < len(words[0])) # Linewrapping algorithm based on: # http://gcbenison.wordpress.com/2011/07/03/a-program-to-intelligently-remove-carriage-returns-so-you-can-paste-text-without-having-it-look-awful/ #ignorelongline def unwrap_lines(body): # type: (str) -> str lines = body.split("\n") result = "" previous_line = lines[0] for line in lines[1:]: line = line.rstrip() if (re.match(r'^\W', line, flags=re.UNICODE) and re.match(r'^\W', previous_line, flags=re.UNICODE)): result += previous_line + "\n" elif (line == "" or previous_line == "" or re.match(r'^\W', line, flags=re.UNICODE) or different_paragraph(previous_line, line)): # Use 2 newlines to separate sections so that we # trigger proper Markdown processing on things like # bulleted lists result += previous_line + "\n\n" else: result += previous_line + " " previous_line = line result += previous_line return result def send_zulip(zeph): # type: (Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, str] message = {} if options.forward_class_messages: message["forged"] = "yes" message['type'] = zeph['type'] message['time'] = zeph['time'] message['sender'] = to_zulip_username(zeph['sender']) if "subject" in zeph: # Truncate the subject to the current limit in Zulip. No # need to do this for stream names, since we're only # subscribed to valid stream names. message["subject"] = zeph["subject"][:60] if zeph['type'] == 'stream': # Forward messages sent to -c foo -i bar to stream bar subject "instance" if zeph["stream"] == "message": message['to'] = zeph['subject'].lower() message['subject'] = "instance %s" % (zeph['subject'],) elif zeph["stream"] == "tabbott-test5": message['to'] = zeph['subject'].lower() message['subject'] = "test instance %s" % (zeph['subject'],) else: message["to"] = zeph["stream"] else: message["to"] = zeph["recipient"] message['content'] = unwrap_lines(zeph['content']) if options.test_mode and options.site == DEFAULT_SITE: logger.debug("Message is: %s" % (str(message),)) return {'result': "success"} return zulip_client.send_message(message) def send_error_zulip(error_msg): # type: (str) -> None message = {"type": "private", "sender": zulip_account_email, "to": zulip_account_email, "content": error_msg, } zulip_client.send_message(message) current_zephyr_subs = set() def zephyr_bulk_subscribe(subs): # type: (List[Tuple[str, str, str]]) -> None try: zephyr._z.subAll(subs) except IOError: # Since we haven't added the subscription to # current_zephyr_subs yet, we can just return (so that we'll # continue processing normal messages) and we'll end up # retrying the next time the bot checks its subscriptions are # up to date. logger.exception("Error subscribing to streams (will retry automatically):") logger.warning("Streams were: %s" % ([cls for cls, instance, recipient in subs],)) return try: actual_zephyr_subs = [cls for (cls, _, _) in zephyr._z.getSubscriptions()] except IOError: logger.exception("Error getting current Zephyr subscriptions") # Don't add anything to current_zephyr_subs so that we'll # retry the next time we check for streams to subscribe to # (within 15 seconds). return for (cls, instance, recipient) in subs: if cls not in actual_zephyr_subs: logger.error("Zephyr failed to subscribe us to %s; will retry" % (cls,)) try: # We'll retry automatically when we next check for # streams to subscribe to (within 15 seconds), but # it's worth doing 1 retry immediately to avoid # missing 15 seconds of messages on the affected # classes zephyr._z.sub(cls, instance, recipient) except IOError: pass else: current_zephyr_subs.add(cls) def update_subscriptions(): # type: () -> None try: f = open(options.stream_file_path, "r") public_streams = json.loads(f.read()) f.close() except Exception: logger.exception("Error reading public streams:") return classes_to_subscribe = set() for stream in public_streams: zephyr_class = stream.encode("utf-8") if (options.shard is not None and not hashlib.sha1(zephyr_class).hexdigest().startswith(options.shard)): # This stream is being handled by a different zephyr_mirror job. continue if zephyr_class in current_zephyr_subs: continue classes_to_subscribe.add((zephyr_class, "*", "*")) if len(classes_to_subscribe) > 0: zephyr_bulk_subscribe(list(classes_to_subscribe)) def maybe_kill_child(): # type: () -> None try: if child_pid is not None: os.kill(child_pid, signal.SIGTERM) except OSError: # We don't care if the child process no longer exists, so just log the error logger.exception("") def maybe_restart_mirroring_script(): # type: () -> None if os.stat(os.path.join(options.stamp_path, "stamps", "restart_stamp")).st_mtime > start_time or \ ((options.user == "tabbott" or options.user == "tabbott/extra") and os.stat(os.path.join(options.stamp_path, "stamps", "tabbott_stamp")).st_mtime > start_time): logger.warning("") logger.warning("zephyr mirroring script has been updated; restarting...") maybe_kill_child() try: zephyr._z.cancelSubs() except IOError: # We don't care whether we failed to cancel subs properly, but we should log it logger.exception("") while True: try: os.execvp(os.path.abspath(__file__), sys.argv) except Exception: logger.exception("Error restarting mirroring script; trying again... Traceback:") time.sleep(1) def process_loop(log): # type: (Optional[IO[Any]]) -> None restart_check_count = 0 last_check_time = time.time() while True: select.select([zephyr._z.getFD()], [], [], 15) try: # Fetch notices from the queue until its empty while True: notice = zephyr.receive(block=False) if notice is None: break try: process_notice(notice, log) except Exception: logger.exception("Error relaying zephyr:") time.sleep(2) except Exception: logger.exception("Error checking for new zephyrs:") time.sleep(1) continue if time.time() - last_check_time > 15: last_check_time = time.time() try: maybe_restart_mirroring_script() if restart_check_count > 0: logger.info("Stopped getting errors checking whether restart is required.") restart_check_count = 0 except Exception: if restart_check_count < 5: logger.exception("Error checking whether restart is required:") restart_check_count += 1 if options.forward_class_messages: try: update_subscriptions() except Exception: logger.exception("Error updating subscriptions from Zulip:") def parse_zephyr_body(zephyr_data, notice_format): # type: (str, str) -> Tuple[str, str] try: (zsig, body) = zephyr_data.split("\x00", 1) if (notice_format == 'New transaction [$1] entered in $2\nFrom: $3 ($5)\nSubject: $4' or notice_format == 'New transaction [$1] entered in $2\nFrom: $3\nSubject: $4'): # Logic based off of owl_zephyr_get_message in barnowl fields = body.split('\x00') if len(fields) == 5: body = 'New transaction [%s] entered in %s\nFrom: %s (%s)\nSubject: %s' % ( fields[0], fields[1], fields[2], fields[4], fields[3]) except ValueError: (zsig, body) = ("", zephyr_data) # Clean body of any null characters, since they're invalid in our protocol. body = body.replace('\x00', '') return (zsig, body) def parse_crypt_table(zephyr_class, instance): # type: (Text, str) -> Optional[str] try: crypt_table = open(os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], ".crypt-table")) except IOError: return None for line in crypt_table.readlines(): if line.strip() == "": # Ignore blank lines continue match = re.match("^crypt-(?P<class>\S+):\s+((?P<algorithm>(AES|DES)):\s+)?(?P<keypath>\S+)$", line) if match is None: # Malformed crypt_table line logger.debug("Invalid crypt_table line!") continue groups = match.groupdict() if groups['class'].lower() == zephyr_class and 'keypath' in groups and \ groups.get("algorithm") == "AES": return groups["keypath"] return None def decrypt_zephyr(zephyr_class, instance, body): # type: (Text, str, str) -> str keypath = parse_crypt_table(zephyr_class, instance) if keypath is None: # We can't decrypt it, so we just return the original body return body # Enable handling SIGCHLD briefly while we call into # subprocess to avoid http://bugs.python.org/issue9127 signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, signal.SIG_DFL) # decrypt the message! p = subprocess.Popen(["gpg", "--decrypt", "--no-options", "--no-default-keyring", "--keyring=/dev/null", "--secret-keyring=/dev/null", "--batch", "--quiet", "--no-use-agent", "--passphrase-file", keypath], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) decrypted, _ = p.communicate(input=body) # Restore our ignoring signals signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, signal.SIG_IGN) return decrypted def process_notice(notice, log): # type: (zulip, Optional[IO[Any]]) -> None (zsig, body) = parse_zephyr_body(notice.message, notice.format) is_personal = False is_huddle = False if notice.opcode == "PING": # skip PING messages return zephyr_class = notice.cls.lower() if zephyr_class == options.nagios_class: # Mark that we got the message and proceed with open(options.nagios_path, "w") as f: f.write("0\n") return if notice.recipient != "": is_personal = True # Drop messages not to the listed subscriptions if is_personal and not options.forward_personals: return if (zephyr_class not in current_zephyr_subs) and not is_personal: logger.debug("Skipping ... %s/%s/%s" % (zephyr_class, notice.instance, is_personal)) return if notice.format.startswith("Zephyr error: See") or notice.format.endswith("@(@color(blue))"): logger.debug("Skipping message we got from Zulip!") return if (zephyr_class == "mail" and notice.instance.lower() == "inbox" and is_personal and not options.forward_mail_zephyrs): # Only forward mail zephyrs if forwarding them is enabled. return if is_personal: if body.startswith("CC:"): is_huddle = True # Map "CC: user1 user2" => "user1@mit.edu, user2@mit.edu" huddle_recipients = [to_zulip_username(x.strip()) for x in body.split("\n")[0][4:].split()] if notice.sender not in huddle_recipients: huddle_recipients.append(to_zulip_username(notice.sender)) body = body.split("\n", 1)[1] if options.forward_class_messages and notice.opcode.lower() == "crypt": body = decrypt_zephyr(zephyr_class, notice.instance.lower(), body) zeph = {'time': str(notice.time), 'sender': notice.sender, 'zsig': zsig, # logged here but not used by app 'content': body} if is_huddle: zeph['type'] = 'private' zeph['recipient'] = huddle_recipients elif is_personal: zeph['type'] = 'private' zeph['recipient'] = to_zulip_username(notice.recipient) else: zeph['type'] = 'stream' zeph['stream'] = zephyr_class if notice.instance.strip() != "": zeph['subject'] = notice.instance else: zeph["subject"] = '(instance "%s")' % (notice.instance,) # Add instances in for instanced personals if is_personal: if notice.cls.lower() != "message" and notice.instance.lower != "personal": heading = "[-c %s -i %s]\n" % (notice.cls, notice.instance) elif notice.cls.lower() != "message": heading = "[-c %s]\n" % (notice.cls,) elif notice.instance.lower() != "personal": heading = "[-i %s]\n" % (notice.instance,) else: heading = "" zeph["content"] = heading + zeph["content"] zeph = decode_unicode_byte_strings(zeph) logger.info("Received a message on %s/%s from %s..." % (zephyr_class, notice.instance, notice.sender)) if log is not None: log.write(json.dumps(zeph) + '\n') log.flush() if os.fork() == 0: global CURRENT_STATE CURRENT_STATE = States.ChildSending # Actually send the message in a child process, to avoid blocking. try: res = send_zulip(zeph) if res.get("result") != "success": logger.error("Error relaying zephyr:\n%s\n%s" % (zeph, res)) except Exception: logger.exception("Error relaying zephyr:") finally: os._exit(0) def decode_unicode_byte_strings(zeph): # type: (Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, str] # 'Any' can be of any type of text that is converted to str. for field in zeph.keys(): if isinstance(zeph[field], str): try: decoded = zeph[field].decode("utf-8") except Exception: decoded = zeph[field].decode("iso-8859-1") zeph[field] = decoded return zeph def quit_failed_initialization(message): # type: (str) -> str logger.error(message) maybe_kill_child() sys.exit(1) def zephyr_init_autoretry(): # type: () -> None backoff = zulip.RandomExponentialBackoff() while backoff.keep_going(): try: # zephyr.init() tries to clear old subscriptions, and thus # sometimes gets a SERVNAK from the server zephyr.init() backoff.succeed() return except IOError: logger.exception("Error initializing Zephyr library (retrying). Traceback:") backoff.fail() quit_failed_initialization("Could not initialize Zephyr library, quitting!") def zephyr_load_session_autoretry(session_path): # type: (str) -> None backoff = zulip.RandomExponentialBackoff() while backoff.keep_going(): try: session = open(session_path, "r").read() zephyr._z.initialize() zephyr._z.load_session(session) zephyr.__inited = True return except IOError: logger.exception("Error loading saved Zephyr session (retrying). Traceback:") backoff.fail() quit_failed_initialization("Could not load saved Zephyr session, quitting!") def zephyr_subscribe_autoretry(sub): # type: (Tuple[str, str, str]) -> None backoff = zulip.RandomExponentialBackoff() while backoff.keep_going(): try: zephyr.Subscriptions().add(sub) backoff.succeed() return except IOError: # Probably a SERVNAK from the zephyr server, but log the # traceback just in case it's something else logger.exception("Error subscribing to personals (retrying). Traceback:") backoff.fail() quit_failed_initialization("Could not subscribe to personals, quitting!") def zephyr_to_zulip(options): # type: (Any) -> None if options.use_sessions and os.path.exists(options.session_path): logger.info("Loading old session") zephyr_load_session_autoretry(options.session_path) else: zephyr_init_autoretry() if options.forward_class_messages: update_subscriptions() if options.forward_personals: # Subscribe to personals; we really can't operate without # those subscriptions, so just retry until it works. zephyr_subscribe_autoretry(("message", "*", "%me%")) zephyr_subscribe_autoretry(("mail", "inbox", "%me%")) if options.nagios_class: zephyr_subscribe_autoretry((options.nagios_class, "*", "*")) if options.use_sessions: open(options.session_path, "w").write(zephyr._z.dump_session()) if options.logs_to_resend is not None: with open(options.logs_to_resend, 'r') as log: for ln in log: try: zeph = json.loads(ln) # New messages added to the log shouldn't have any # elements of type str (they should already all be # unicode), but older messages in the log are # still of type str, so convert them before we # send the message zeph = decode_unicode_byte_strings(zeph) # Handle importing older zephyrs in the logs # where it isn't called a "stream" yet if "class" in zeph: zeph["stream"] = zeph["class"] if "instance" in zeph: zeph["subject"] = zeph["instance"] logger.info("sending saved message to %s from %s..." % (zeph.get('stream', zeph.get('recipient')), zeph['sender'])) send_zulip(zeph) except Exception: logger.exception("Could not send saved zephyr:") time.sleep(2) logger.info("Successfully initialized; Starting receive loop.") if options.resend_log_path is not None: with open(options.resend_log_path, 'a') as log: process_loop(log) else: process_loop(None) def send_zephyr(zwrite_args, content): # type: (List[str], str) -> Tuple[int, str] p = subprocess.Popen(zwrite_args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate(input=content.encode("utf-8")) if p.returncode: logger.error("zwrite command '%s' failed with return code %d:" % ( " ".join(zwrite_args), p.returncode,)) if stdout: logger.info("stdout: " + stdout) elif stderr: logger.warning("zwrite command '%s' printed the following warning:" % ( " ".join(zwrite_args),)) if stderr: logger.warning("stderr: " + stderr) return (p.returncode, stderr) def send_authed_zephyr(zwrite_args, content): # type: (List[str], str) -> Tuple[int, str] return send_zephyr(zwrite_args, content) def send_unauthed_zephyr(zwrite_args, content): # type: (List[str], str) -> Tuple[int, str] return send_zephyr(zwrite_args + ["-d"], content) def zcrypt_encrypt_content(zephyr_class, instance, content): # type: (str, str, str) -> Optional[str] keypath = parse_crypt_table(zephyr_class, instance) if keypath is None: return None # encrypt the message! p = subprocess.Popen(["gpg", "--symmetric", "--no-options", "--no-default-keyring", "--keyring=/dev/null", "--secret-keyring=/dev/null", "--batch", "--quiet", "--no-use-agent", "--armor", "--cipher-algo", "AES", "--passphrase-file", keypath], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) encrypted, _ = p.communicate(input=content) return encrypted def forward_to_zephyr(message): # type: (Dict[str, Any]) -> None # 'Any' can be of any type of text support_heading = "Hi there! This is an automated message from Zulip." support_closing = """If you have any questions, please be in touch through the \ Feedback button or at support@zulipchat.com.""" wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(break_long_words=False, break_on_hyphens=False) wrapped_content = "\n".join("\n".join(wrapper.wrap(line)) for line in message["content"].replace("@", "@@").split("\n")) zwrite_args = ["zwrite", "-n", "-s", message["sender_full_name"], "-F", "Zephyr error: See http://zephyr.1ts.org/wiki/df", "-x", "UTF-8"] # Hack to make ctl's fake username setup work :) if message['type'] == "stream" and zulip_account_email == "ctl@mit.edu": zwrite_args.extend(["-S", "ctl"]) if message['type'] == "stream": zephyr_class = message["display_recipient"] instance = message["subject"] match_whitespace_instance = re.match(r'^\(instance "(\s*)"\)$', instance) if match_whitespace_instance: # Forward messages sent to '(instance "WHITESPACE")' back to the # appropriate WHITESPACE instance for bidirectional mirroring instance = match_whitespace_instance.group(1) elif (instance == "instance %s" % (zephyr_class,) or instance == "test instance %s" % (zephyr_class,)): # Forward messages to e.g. -c -i white-magic back from the # place we forward them to if instance.startswith("test"): instance = zephyr_class zephyr_class = "tabbott-test5" else: instance = zephyr_class zephyr_class = "message" zwrite_args.extend(["-c", zephyr_class, "-i", instance]) logger.info("Forwarding message to class %s, instance %s" % (zephyr_class, instance)) elif message['type'] == "private": if len(message['display_recipient']) == 1: recipient = to_zephyr_username(message["display_recipient"][0]["email"]) recipients = [recipient] elif len(message['display_recipient']) == 2: recipient = "" for r in message["display_recipient"]: if r["email"].lower() != zulip_account_email.lower(): recipient = to_zephyr_username(r["email"]) break recipients = [recipient] else: zwrite_args.extend(["-C"]) # We drop the @ATHENA.MIT.EDU here because otherwise the # "CC: user1 user2 ..." output will be unnecessarily verbose. recipients = [to_zephyr_username(user["email"]).replace("@ATHENA.MIT.EDU", "") for user in message["display_recipient"]] logger.info("Forwarding message to %s" % (recipients,)) zwrite_args.extend(recipients) if message.get("invite_only_stream"): result = zcrypt_encrypt_content(zephyr_class, instance, wrapped_content) if result is None: send_error_zulip("""%s Your Zulip-Zephyr mirror bot was unable to forward that last message \ from Zulip to Zephyr because you were sending to a zcrypted Zephyr \ class and your mirroring bot does not have access to the relevant \ key (perhaps because your AFS tokens expired). That means that while \ Zulip users (like you) received it, Zephyr users did not. %s""" % (support_heading, support_closing)) return # Proceed with sending a zcrypted message wrapped_content = result zwrite_args.extend(["-O", "crypt"]) if options.test_mode: logger.debug("Would have forwarded: %s\n%s" % (zwrite_args, wrapped_content.encode("utf-8"))) return (code, stderr) = send_authed_zephyr(zwrite_args, wrapped_content) if code == 0 and stderr == "": return elif code == 0: send_error_zulip("""%s Your last message was successfully mirrored to zephyr, but zwrite \ returned the following warning: %s %s""" % (support_heading, stderr, support_closing)) return elif code != 0 and (stderr.startswith("zwrite: Ticket expired while sending notice to ") or stderr.startswith("zwrite: No credentials cache found while sending notice to ")): # Retry sending the message unauthenticated; if that works, # just notify the user that they need to renew their tickets (code, stderr) = send_unauthed_zephyr(zwrite_args, wrapped_content) if code == 0: if options.ignore_expired_tickets: return send_error_zulip("""%s Your last message was forwarded from Zulip to Zephyr unauthenticated, \ because your Kerberos tickets have expired. It was sent successfully, \ but please renew your Kerberos tickets in the screen session where you \ are running the Zulip-Zephyr mirroring bot, so we can send \ authenticated Zephyr messages for you again. %s""" % (support_heading, support_closing)) return # zwrite failed and it wasn't because of expired tickets: This is # probably because the recipient isn't subscribed to personals, # but regardless, we should just notify the user. send_error_zulip("""%s Your Zulip-Zephyr mirror bot was unable to forward that last message \ from Zulip to Zephyr. That means that while Zulip users (like you) \ received it, Zephyr users did not. The error message from zwrite was: %s %s""" % (support_heading, stderr, support_closing)) return def maybe_forward_to_zephyr(message): # type: (Dict[str, Any]) -> None # The key string can be used to direct any type of text. if (message["sender_email"] == zulip_account_email): if not ((message["type"] == "stream") or (message["type"] == "private" and False not in [u["email"].lower().endswith("mit.edu") for u in message["display_recipient"]])): # Don't try forward private messages with non-MIT users # to MIT Zephyr. return timestamp_now = int(time.time()) if float(message["timestamp"]) < timestamp_now - 15: logger.warning("Skipping out of order message: %s < %s" % (message["timestamp"], timestamp_now)) return try: forward_to_zephyr(message) except Exception: # Don't let an exception forwarding one message crash the # whole process logger.exception("Error forwarding message:") def zulip_to_zephyr(options): # type: (int) -> None # Sync messages from zulip to zephyr logger.info("Starting syncing messages.") while True: try: zulip_client.call_on_each_message(maybe_forward_to_zephyr) except Exception: logger.exception("Error syncing messages:") time.sleep(1) def subscribed_to_mail_messages(): # type: () -> bool # In case we have lost our AFS tokens and those won't be able to # parse the Zephyr subs file, first try reading in result of this # query from the environment so we can avoid the filesystem read. stored_result = os.environ.get("HUMBUG_FORWARD_MAIL_ZEPHYRS") if stored_result is not None: return stored_result == "True" for (cls, instance, recipient) in parse_zephyr_subs(verbose=False): if (cls.lower() == "mail" and instance.lower() == "inbox"): os.environ["HUMBUG_FORWARD_MAIL_ZEPHYRS"] = "True" return True os.environ["HUMBUG_FORWARD_MAIL_ZEPHYRS"] = "False" return False def add_zulip_subscriptions(verbose): # type: (bool) -> None zephyr_subscriptions = set() skipped = set() for (cls, instance, recipient) in parse_zephyr_subs(verbose=verbose): if cls.lower() == "message": if recipient != "*": # We already have a (message, *, you) subscription, so # these are redundant continue # We don't support subscribing to (message, *) if instance == "*": if recipient == "*": skipped.add((cls, instance, recipient, "subscribing to all of class message is not supported.")) continue # If you're on -i white-magic on zephyr, get on stream white-magic on zulip # instead of subscribing to stream "message" on zulip zephyr_subscriptions.add(instance) continue elif cls.lower() == "mail" and instance.lower() == "inbox": # We forward mail zephyrs, so no need to log a warning. continue elif len(cls) > 60: skipped.add((cls, instance, recipient, "Class longer than 60 characters")) continue elif instance != "*": skipped.add((cls, instance, recipient, "Unsupported non-* instance")) continue elif recipient != "*": skipped.add((cls, instance, recipient, "Unsupported non-* recipient.")) continue zephyr_subscriptions.add(cls) if len(zephyr_subscriptions) != 0: res = zulip_client.add_subscriptions(list({"name": stream} for stream in zephyr_subscriptions), authorization_errors_fatal=False) if res.get("result") != "success": logger.error("Error subscribing to streams:\n%s" % (res["msg"],)) return already = res.get("already_subscribed") new = res.get("subscribed") unauthorized = res.get("unauthorized") if verbose: if already is not None and len(already) > 0: logger.info("\nAlready subscribed to: %s" % (", ".join(list(already.values())[0]),)) if new is not None and len(new) > 0: logger.info("\nSuccessfully subscribed to: %s" % (", ".join(list(new.values())[0]),)) if unauthorized is not None and len(unauthorized) > 0: logger.info("\n" + "\n".join(textwrap.wrap("""\ The following streams you have NOT been subscribed to, because they have been configured in Zulip as invitation-only streams. This was done at the request of users of these Zephyr classes, usually because traffic to those streams is sent within the Zephyr world encrypted via zcrypt (in Zulip, we achieve the same privacy goals through invitation-only streams). If you wish to read these streams in Zulip, you need to contact the people who are on these streams and already use Zulip. They can subscribe you to them via the "streams" page in the Zulip web interface: """)) + "\n\n %s" % (", ".join(unauthorized),)) if len(skipped) > 0: if verbose: logger.info("\n" + "\n".join(textwrap.wrap("""\ You have some lines in ~/.zephyr.subs that could not be synced to your Zulip subscriptions because they do not use "*" as both the instance and recipient and not one of the special cases (e.g. personals and mail zephyrs) that Zulip has a mechanism for forwarding. Zulip does not allow subscribing to only some subjects on a Zulip stream, so this tool has not created a corresponding Zulip subscription to these lines in ~/.zephyr.subs: """)) + "\n") for (cls, instance, recipient, reason) in skipped: if verbose: if reason != "": logger.info(" [%s,%s,%s] (%s)" % (cls, instance, recipient, reason)) else: logger.info(" [%s,%s,%s]" % (cls, instance, recipient)) if len(skipped) > 0: if verbose: logger.info("\n" + "\n".join(textwrap.wrap("""\ If you wish to be subscribed to any Zulip streams related to these .zephyrs.subs lines, please do so via the Zulip web interface. """)) + "\n") def valid_stream_name(name): # type: (str) -> bool return name != "" def parse_zephyr_subs(verbose=False): # type: (bool) -> Set[Tuple[str, str, str]] zephyr_subscriptions = set() # type: Set[Tuple[str, str, str]] subs_file = os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], ".zephyr.subs") if not os.path.exists(subs_file): if verbose: logger.error("Couldn't find ~/.zephyr.subs!") return zephyr_subscriptions for line in open(subs_file, "r").readlines(): line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0: continue try: (cls, instance, recipient) = line.split(",") cls = cls.replace("%me%", options.user) instance = instance.replace("%me%", options.user) recipient = recipient.replace("%me%", options.user) if not valid_stream_name(cls): if verbose: logger.error("Skipping subscription to unsupported class name: [%s]" % (line,)) continue except Exception: if verbose: logger.error("Couldn't parse ~/.zephyr.subs line: [%s]" % (line,)) continue zephyr_subscriptions.add((cls.strip(), instance.strip(), recipient.strip())) return zephyr_subscriptions def open_logger(): # type: () -> logging.Logger if options.log_path is not None: log_file = options.log_path elif options.forward_class_messages: if options.test_mode: log_file = "/var/log/zulip/test-mirror-log" else: log_file = "/var/log/zulip/mirror-log" else: f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="zulip-log.%s." % (options.user,), delete=False) log_file = f.name # Close the file descriptor, since the logging system will # reopen it anyway. f.close() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) log_format = "%(asctime)s <initial>: %(message)s" formatter = logging.Formatter(log_format) logging.basicConfig(format=log_format) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file) file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(file_handler) return logger def configure_logger(logger, direction_name): # type: (logging.Logger, Optional[str]) -> None if direction_name is None: log_format = "%(message)s" else: log_format = "%(asctime)s [" + direction_name + "] %(message)s" formatter = logging.Formatter(log_format) # Replace the formatters for the file and stdout loggers for handler in logger.handlers: handler.setFormatter(formatter) root_logger = logging.getLogger() for handler in root_logger.handlers: handler.setFormatter(formatter) def parse_args(): # type: () -> Tuple[Any, ...] parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option('--forward-class-messages', default=False, help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP, action='store_true') parser.add_option('--shard', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option('--noshard', default=False, help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP, action='store_true') parser.add_option('--resend-log', dest='logs_to_resend', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option('--enable-resend-log', dest='resend_log_path', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option('--log-path', dest='log_path', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option('--stream-file-path', dest='stream_file_path', default="/home/zulip/public_streams", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option('--no-forward-personals', dest='forward_personals', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP, default=True, action='store_false') parser.add_option('--forward-mail-zephyrs', dest='forward_mail_zephyrs', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP, default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_option('--no-forward-from-zulip', default=True, dest='forward_from_zulip', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP, action='store_false') parser.add_option('--verbose', default=False, help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP, action='store_true') parser.add_option('--sync-subscriptions', default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_option('--ignore-expired-tickets', default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_option('--site', default=DEFAULT_SITE, help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option('--on-startup-command', default=None, help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option('--user', default=os.environ["USER"], help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option('--stamp-path', default="/afs/athena.mit.edu/user/t/a/tabbott/for_friends", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option('--session-path', default=None, help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option('--nagios-class', default=None, help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option('--nagios-path', default=None, help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option('--use-sessions', default=False, action='store_true', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option('--test-mode', default=False, help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP, action='store_true') parser.add_option('--api-key-file', default=os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], "Private", ".humbug-api-key")) return parser.parse_args() def die_gracefully(signal, frame): # type: (int, FrameType) -> None if CURRENT_STATE == States.ZulipToZephyr or CURRENT_STATE == States.ChildSending: # this is a child process, so we want os._exit (no clean-up necessary) os._exit(1) if CURRENT_STATE == States.ZephyrToZulip and not options.use_sessions: try: # zephyr=>zulip processes may have added subs, so run cancelSubs zephyr._z.cancelSubs() except IOError: # We don't care whether we failed to cancel subs properly, but we should log it logger.exception("") sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": # Set the SIGCHLD handler back to SIG_DFL to prevent these errors # when importing the "requests" module after being restarted using # the restart_stamp functionality: # # close failed in file object destructor: # IOError: [Errno 10] No child processes signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, signal.SIG_DFL) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, die_gracefully) # The properties available on 'options' are dynamically # determined, so we have to treat it as an Any for type # annotations. (options, args) = parse_args() # type: Any, List[str] logger = open_logger() configure_logger(logger, "parent") # In case this is an automated restart of the mirroring script, # and we have lost AFS tokens, first try reading the API key from # the environment so that we can skip doing a filesystem read. if os.environ.get("HUMBUG_API_KEY") is not None: api_key = os.environ.get("HUMBUG_API_KEY") else: if not os.path.exists(options.api_key_file): logger.error("\n" + "\n".join(textwrap.wrap("""\ Could not find API key file. You need to either place your api key file at %s, or specify the --api-key-file option.""" % (options.api_key_file,)))) sys.exit(1) api_key = open(options.api_key_file).read().strip() # Store the API key in the environment so that our children # don't need to read it in os.environ["HUMBUG_API_KEY"] = api_key if options.nagios_path is None and options.nagios_class is not None: logger.error("\n" + "nagios_path is required with nagios_class\n") sys.exit(1) zulip_account_email = options.user + "@mit.edu" import zulip zulip_client = zulip.Client( email=zulip_account_email, api_key=api_key, verbose=True, client="zephyr_mirror", site=options.site) start_time = time.time() if options.sync_subscriptions: configure_logger(logger, None) # make the output cleaner logger.info("Syncing your ~/.zephyr.subs to your Zulip Subscriptions!") add_zulip_subscriptions(True) sys.exit(0) # Kill all zephyr_mirror processes other than this one and its parent. if not options.test_mode: pgrep_query = "python.*zephyr_mirror" if options.shard is not None: # sharded class mirror pgrep_query = "%s.*--shard=%s" % (pgrep_query, options.shard) elif options.user is not None: # Personals mirror on behalf of another user. pgrep_query = "%s.*--user=%s" % (pgrep_query, options.user) proc = subprocess.Popen(['pgrep', '-U', os.environ["USER"], "-f", pgrep_query], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, _err_unused = proc.communicate() for pid in map(int, out.split()): if pid == os.getpid() or pid == os.getppid(): continue # Another copy of zephyr_mirror.py! Kill it. logger.info("Killing duplicate zephyr_mirror process %s" % (pid,)) try: os.kill(pid, signal.SIGINT) except OSError: # We don't care if the target process no longer exists, so just log the error logger.exception("") if options.shard is not None and set(options.shard) != set("a"): # The shard that is all "a"s is the one that handles personals # forwarding and zulip => zephyr forwarding options.forward_personals = False options.forward_from_zulip = False if options.forward_mail_zephyrs is None: options.forward_mail_zephyrs = subscribed_to_mail_messages() if options.session_path is None: options.session_path = "/var/tmp/%s" % (options.user,) if options.forward_from_zulip: child_pid = os.fork() # type: Optional[int] if child_pid == 0: CURRENT_STATE = States.ZulipToZephyr # Run the zulip => zephyr mirror in the child configure_logger(logger, "zulip=>zephyr") zulip_to_zephyr(options) sys.exit(0) else: child_pid = None CURRENT_STATE = States.ZephyrToZulip import zephyr logger_name = "zephyr=>zulip" if options.shard is not None: logger_name += "(%s)" % (options.shard,) configure_logger(logger, logger_name) # Have the kernel reap children for when we fork off processes to send Zulips signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, signal.SIG_IGN) zephyr_to_zulip(options)