#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (C) 2012 Humbug, Inc. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files # (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, # publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, # and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. import sys import traceback import simplejson import re import time import subprocess import optparse import os import datetime import textwrap import signal import logging import hashlib import unicodedata DEFAULT_SITE = "https://humbughq.com" def to_humbug_username(zephyr_username): if "@" in zephyr_username: (user, realm) = zephyr_username.split("@") else: (user, realm) = (zephyr_username, "ATHENA.MIT.EDU") if realm.upper() == "ATHENA.MIT.EDU": return user.lower() + "@mit.edu" return user.lower() + "|" + realm.upper() + "@mit.edu" def to_zephyr_username(humbug_username): (user, realm) = humbug_username.split("@") if "|" not in user: return user.lower() + "@ATHENA.MIT.EDU" match_user = re.match(r'([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\|(.+)', user) if not match_user: raise Exception("Could not parse Zephyr realm for cross-realm user %s" % (humbug_username,)) return match_user.group(1).lower() + "@" + match_user.group(2).upper() # Checks whether the pair of adjacent lines would have been # linewrapped together, had they been intended to be parts of the same # paragraph. Our check is whether if you move the first word on the # 2nd line onto the first line, the resulting line is either (1) # significantly shorter than the following line (which, if they were # in the same paragraph, should have been wrapped in a way consistent # with how the previous line was wrapped) or (2) shorter than 60 # characters (our assumed minimum linewrapping threshhold for Zephyr) # or (3) the first word of the next line is longer than this entire # line. def different_paragraph(line, next_line): words = next_line.split() return (len(line + " " + words[0]) < len(next_line) * 0.8 or len(line + " " + words[0]) < 50 or len(line) < len(words[0])) # Linewrapping algorithm based on: # http://gcbenison.wordpress.com/2011/07/03/a-program-to-intelligently-remove-carriage-returns-so-you-can-paste-text-without-having-it-look-awful/ def unwrap_lines(body): lines = body.split("\n") result = "" previous_line = lines[0] for line in lines[1:]: line = line.rstrip() if (re.match(r'^\W', line, flags=re.UNICODE) and re.match(r'^\W', previous_line, flags=re.UNICODE)): result += previous_line + "\n" elif (line == "" or previous_line == "" or re.match(r'^\W', line, flags=re.UNICODE) or different_paragraph(previous_line, line)): # Use 2 newlines to separate sections so that we # trigger proper Markdown processing on things like # bulleted lists result += previous_line + "\n\n" else: result += previous_line + " " previous_line = line result += previous_line return result def send_humbug(zeph): message = {} if options.forward_class_messages: message["forged"] = "yes" message['type'] = zeph['type'] message['time'] = zeph['time'] message['sender'] = to_humbug_username(zeph['sender']) if "subject" in zeph: # Truncate the subject to the current limit in Humbug. No # need to do this for stream names, since we're only # subscribed to valid stream names. message["subject"] = zeph["subject"][:60] if zeph['type'] == 'stream': # Forward messages sent to -c foo -i bar to stream bar subject "instance" if zeph["stream"] == "message": message['to'] = zeph['subject'].lower() message['subject'] = "instance %s" % (zeph['subject'],) elif zeph["stream"] == "tabbott-test5": message['to'] = zeph['subject'].lower() message['subject'] = "test instance %s" % (zeph['subject'],) else: message["to"] = zeph["stream"] else: message["to"] = zeph["recipient"] message['content'] = unwrap_lines(zeph['content']) if options.test_mode and options.site == DEFAULT_SITE: logger.debug("Message is: %s" % (str(message),)) return {'result': "success"} return humbug_client.send_message(message) def send_error_humbug(error_msg): humbug = {"type": "private", "sender": options.user + "@mit.edu", "to": options.user + "@mit.edu", "content": error_msg, } humbug_client.send_message(humbug) current_zephyr_subs = set() def zephyr_bulk_subscribe(subs): try: zephyr._z.subAll(subs) except IOError: # Since we haven't added the subscription to # current_zephyr_subs yet, we can just return (so that we'll # continue processing normal messages) and we'll end up # retrying the next time the bot checks its subscriptions are # up to date. logger.exception("Error subscribing to streams (will retry automatically):") logging.warning("Streams were: %s" % ((cls for cls, instance, recipient in subs),)) return try: actual_zephyr_subs = [cls for (cls, _, _) in zephyr._z.getSubscriptions()] except IOError: logging.exception("Error getting current Zephyr subscriptions") # Don't add anything to current_zephyr_subs so that we'll # retry the next time we check for streams to subscribe to # (within 15 seconds). return for (cls, instance, recipient) in subs: # Zephyr class names are canonicalized by first applying NFKC # normalization and then lower-casing server-side -- so we # need to compare against those to see if we've successfully # subscribed. canonical_cls = unicodedata.normalize("NFKC", cls.decode("utf-8").lower()).encode("utf-8") if canonical_cls not in actual_zephyr_subs: logging.error("Zephyr failed to subscribe us to %s; will retry" % (cls,)) try: # We'll retry automatically when we next check for # streams to subscribe to (within 15 seconds), but # it's worth doing 1 retry immediately to avoid # missing 15 seconds of messages on the affected # classes zephyr._z.sub(cls, instance, recipient) except IOError: pass else: current_zephyr_subs.add(cls) def update_subscriptions_from_humbug(): try: res = humbug_client.get_public_streams() if res.get("result") == "success": streams = res["streams"] else: logger.error("Error getting public streams:\n%s" % res) return except Exception: logger.exception("Error getting public streams:") return streams_to_subscribe = [] for stream in streams: encoded_stream = stream.encode("utf-8") if stream in current_zephyr_subs: continue if stream.lower() in ['security', 'login', 'network', 'ops', 'user_locate']: # These zephyr classes cannot be subscribed to by us, due # to MIT's Zephyr access control settings continue if (options.shard is not None and not hashlib.sha1(encoded_stream).hexdigest().startswith(options.shard)): # This stream is being handled by a different zephyr_mirror job. continue streams_to_subscribe.append((encoded_stream, "*", "*")) if len(streams_to_subscribe) > 0: zephyr_bulk_subscribe(streams_to_subscribe) def maybe_restart_mirroring_script(): if os.stat(os.path.join(options.root_path, "stamps", "restart_stamp")).st_mtime > start_time or \ ((options.user == "tabbott" or options.user == "tabbott/extra") and os.stat(os.path.join(options.root_path, "stamps", "tabbott_stamp")).st_mtime > start_time): logger.warning("") logger.warning("zephyr mirroring script has been updated; restarting...") try: if child_pid is not None: os.kill(child_pid, signal.SIGTERM) except OSError: # We don't care if the child process no longer exists, so just print the error logging.exception("") while True: try: os.execvp(os.path.join(options.root_path, "user_root", "zephyr_mirror_backend.py"), sys.argv) except Exception: logger.exception("Error restarting mirroring script; trying again... Traceback:") time.sleep(1) def process_loop(log): sleep_count = 0 sleep_time = 0.1 while True: try: notice = zephyr.receive(block=False) except Exception: logger.exception("Error checking for new zephyrs:") time.sleep(1) continue if notice is not None: try: process_notice(notice, log) except Exception: logger.exception("Error relaying zephyr:") time.sleep(2) try: maybe_restart_mirroring_script() except Exception: logging.exception("Error checking whether restart is required:") time.sleep(sleep_time) sleep_count += sleep_time if sleep_count > 15: sleep_count = 0 if options.forward_class_messages: # Ask the Humbug server about any new classes to subscribe to try: update_subscriptions_from_humbug() except Exception: logging.exception("Error updating subscriptions from Humbug:") def parse_zephyr_body(zephyr_data): try: (zsig, body) = zephyr_data.split("\x00", 1) except ValueError: (zsig, body) = ("", zephyr_data) return (zsig, body) def process_notice(notice, log): (zsig, body) = parse_zephyr_body(notice.message) is_personal = False is_huddle = False if notice.opcode == "PING": # skip PING messages return zephyr_class = notice.cls.lower() if notice.recipient != "": is_personal = True # Drop messages not to the listed subscriptions if is_personal and not options.forward_personals: return if (zephyr_class not in current_zephyr_subs) and not is_personal: logger.debug("Skipping ... %s/%s/%s" % (zephyr_class, notice.instance, is_personal)) return if notice.format.endswith("@(@color(blue))"): logger.debug("Skipping message we got from Humbug!") return if is_personal: if body.startswith("CC:"): is_huddle = True # Map "CC: sipbtest espuser" => "starnine@mit.edu,espuser@mit.edu" huddle_recipients = [to_humbug_username(x.strip()) for x in body.split("\n")[0][4:].split()] if notice.sender not in huddle_recipients: huddle_recipients.append(to_humbug_username(notice.sender)) body = body.split("\n", 1)[1] zeph = { 'time' : str(notice.time), 'sender' : notice.sender, 'zsig' : zsig, # logged here but not used by app 'content' : body } if is_huddle: zeph['type'] = 'private' zeph['recipient'] = huddle_recipients elif is_personal: zeph['type'] = 'private' zeph['recipient'] = to_humbug_username(notice.recipient) else: zeph['type'] = 'stream' zeph['stream'] = zephyr_class if notice.instance.strip() != "": zeph['subject'] = notice.instance else: zeph["subject"] = '(instance "%s")' % (notice.instance,) # Add instances in for instanced personals if is_personal: if notice.cls.lower() != "message" and notice.instance.lower != "personal": heading = "[-c %s -i %s]\n" % (notice.cls, notice.instance) elif notice.cls.lower() != "message": heading = "[-c %s]\n" % (notice.cls,) elif notice.instance.lower() != "personal": heading = "[-i %s]\n" % (notice.instance,) else: heading = "" zeph["content"] = heading + zeph["content"] zeph = decode_unicode_byte_strings(zeph) logger.info("Received a message on %s/%s from %s..." % (zephyr_class, notice.instance, notice.sender)) if log is not None: log.write(simplejson.dumps(zeph) + '\n') log.flush() if os.fork() == 0: # Actually send the message in a child process, to avoid blocking. res = send_humbug(zeph) if res.get("result") != "success": logger.error("Error relaying zephyr:\n%s\n%s" % (zeph, res)) sys.exit(0) def decode_unicode_byte_strings(zeph): for field in zeph.keys(): if isinstance(zeph[field], str): try: decoded = zeph[field].decode("utf-8") except Exception: decoded = zeph[field].decode("iso-8859-1") zeph[field] = decoded return zeph def zephyr_subscribe_autoretry(sub): while True: try: zephyr.Subscriptions().add(sub) return except IOError: # Probably a SERVNAK from the zephyr server, but print the # traceback just in case it's something else logger.exception("Error subscribing to personals (retrying). Traceback:") time.sleep(1) def zephyr_to_humbug(options): if options.forward_class_messages: update_subscriptions_from_humbug() if options.forward_personals: # Subscribe to personals; we really can't operate without # those subscriptions, so just retry until it works. zephyr_subscribe_autoretry(("message", "*", "%me%")) if subscribed_to_mail_messages(): zephyr_subscribe_autoretry(("mail", "inbox", "%me%")) if options.resend_log_path is not None: with open(options.resend_log_path, 'r') as log: for ln in log: try: zeph = simplejson.loads(ln) # New messages added to the log shouldn't have any # elements of type str (they should already all be # unicode), but older messages in the log are # still of type str, so convert them before we # send the message zeph = decode_unicode_byte_strings(zeph) # Handle importing older zephyrs in the logs # where it isn't called a "stream" yet if "class" in zeph: zeph["stream"] = zeph["class"] if "instance" in zeph: zeph["subject"] = zeph["instance"] logger.info("sending saved message to %s from %s..." % (zeph.get('stream', zeph.get('recipient')), zeph['sender'])) send_humbug(zeph) except Exception: logger.exception("Could not send saved zephyr:") time.sleep(2) logger.info("Starting receive loop.") if options.log_path is not None: with open(options.log_path, 'a') as log: process_loop(log) else: process_loop(None) def send_zephyr(zwrite_args, content): p = subprocess.Popen(zwrite_args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate(input=content.encode("utf-8")) if p.returncode: print "zwrite command '%s' failed with return code %d:" % ( " ".join(zwrite_args), p.returncode,) if stdout: print stdout elif stderr: print "zwrite command '%s' printed the following warning:" % ( " ".join(zwrite_args),) if stderr: print stderr return (p.returncode, stderr) def send_authed_zephyr(zwrite_args, content): return send_zephyr(zwrite_args, content) def send_unauthed_zephyr(zwrite_args, content): return send_zephyr(zwrite_args + ["-d"], content) def forward_to_zephyr(message): wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(break_long_words=False) wrapped_content = "\n".join("\n".join(wrapper.wrap(line)) for line in message["content"].split("\n")) zwrite_args = ["zwrite", "-s", zsig_fullname, "-F", "Class $class, Instance $instance:\n" + "To: @bold($recipient) at $time $date\n" + "From: @bold{$1 <$sender>}\n\n$2@(@color(blue))"] logger.info("Forwarding message from %s" % (message["sender_email"],)) if message['type'] == "stream": zephyr_class = message["display_recipient"] instance = message["subject"] match_whitespace_instance = re.match(r'^\(instance "(\s*)"\)$', instance) if match_whitespace_instance: # Forward messages sent to '(instance "WHITESPACE")' back to the # appropriate WHITESPACE instance for bidirectional mirroring instance = match_whitespace_instance.group(1) elif (instance == "instance %s" % (zephyr_class,) or instance == "test instance %s" % (zephyr_class,)): # Forward messages to e.g. -c -i white-magic back from the # place we forward them to if instance.startswith("test"): instance = zephyr_class zephyr_class = "tabbott-test5" else: instance = zephyr_class zephyr_class = "message" zwrite_args.extend(["-c", zephyr_class, "-i", instance]) elif message['type'] == "personal": recipient = to_zephyr_username(message["display_recipient"]["email"]) zwrite_args.extend([recipient]) elif message['type'] == "huddle": zwrite_args.extend(["-C"]) zwrite_args.extend([to_zephyr_username(user["email"]).replace("@ATHENA.MIT.EDU", "") for user in message["display_recipient"]]) if options.test_mode: logger.debug("Would have forwarded: %s\n%s" % (zwrite_args, wrapped_content.encode("utf-8"))) return heading = "Hi there! This is an automated message from Humbug." support_closing = """If you have any questions, please be in touch through the \ Feedback tab or at support@humbughq.com.""" (code, stderr) = send_authed_zephyr(zwrite_args, wrapped_content) if code == 0 and stderr == "": return elif code == 0: return send_error_humbug("""%s Your last message was successfully mirrored to zephyr, but zwrite \ returned the following warning: %s %s""" % (heading, stderr, support_closing)) elif code != 0 and (stderr.startswith("zwrite: Ticket expired while sending notice to ") or stderr.startswith("zwrite: No credentials cache found while sending notice to ")): # Retry sending the message unauthenticated; if that works, # just notify the user that they need to renew their tickets (code, stderr) = send_unauthed_zephyr(zwrite_args, wrapped_content) if code == 0: return send_error_humbug("""%s Your last message was forwarded from Humbug to Zephyr unauthenticated, \ because your Kerberos tickets have expired. It was sent successfully, \ but please renew your Kerberos tickets in the screen session where you \ are running the Humbug-Zephyr mirroring bot, so we can send \ authenticated Zephyr messages for you again. %s""" % (heading, support_closing)) # zwrite failed and it wasn't because of expired tickets: This is # probably because the recipient isn't subscribed to personals, # but regardless, we should just notify the user. return send_error_humbug("""%s Your Humbug-Zephyr mirror bot was unable to forward that last message \ from Humbug to Zephyr. That means that while Humbug users (like you) \ received it, Zephyr users did not. The error message from zwrite was: %s %s""" % (heading, stderr, support_closing)) def maybe_forward_to_zephyr(message): if (message["sender_email"] == options.user + "@mit.edu"): if not ((message["type"] == "stream") or (message["type"] == "personal" and message["display_recipient"]["email"].lower().endswith("mit.edu")) or (message["type"] == "huddle" and False not in [u["email"].lower().endswith("mit.edu") for u in message["display_recipient"]])): # Don't try forward personals/huddles with non-MIT users # to MIT Zephyr. return timestamp_now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%s") if float(message["timestamp"]) < float(timestamp_now) - 15: logger.warning("Skipping out of order message: %s < %s" % (message["timestamp"], timestamp_now)) return try: forward_to_zephyr(message) except Exception: # Don't let an exception forwarding one message crash the # whole process logger.exception("Error forwarding message:") def humbug_to_zephyr(options): # Sync messages from zephyr to humbug logger.info("Starting syncing messages.") while True: try: humbug_client.call_on_each_message(maybe_forward_to_zephyr) except Exception: logger.exception("Error syncing messages:") time.sleep(1) def subscribed_to_mail_messages(): # In case we have lost our AFS tokens and those won't be able to # parse the Zephyr subs file, first try reading in result of this # query from the environment so we can avoid the filesystem read. stored_result = os.environ.get("HUMBUG_FORWARD_MAIL_ZEPHYRS") if stored_result is not None: return stored_result == "True" for (cls, instance, recipient) in parse_zephyr_subs(verbose=False): if (cls.lower() == "mail" and instance.lower() == "inbox"): os.environ["HUMBUG_FORWARD_MAIL_ZEPHYRS"] = "True" return True os.environ["HUMBUG_FORWARD_MAIL_ZEPHYRS"] = "False" return False def add_humbug_subscriptions(verbose): zephyr_subscriptions = set() skipped = set() for (cls, instance, recipient) in parse_zephyr_subs(verbose=verbose): if cls == "message": if recipient != "*": # We already have a (message, *, you) subscription, so # these are redundant continue # We don't support subscribing to (message, *) if instance == "*": if recipient == "*": skipped.add((cls, instance, recipient, "subscribing to all of class message is not supported.")) continue # If you're on -i white-magic on zephyr, get on stream white-magic on humbug # instead of subscribing to stream "message" on humbug zephyr_subscriptions.add(instance) continue elif cls == "mail" and instance == "inbox": # We forward mail zephyrs, so no need to print a warning. continue elif len(cls) > 30: skipped.add((cls, instance, recipient, "Class longer than 30 characters")) continue elif instance != "*": skipped.add((cls, instance, recipient, "Unsupported non-* instance")) continue elif recipient != "*": skipped.add((cls, instance, recipient, "Unsupported non-* recipient.")) continue zephyr_subscriptions.add(cls) if len(zephyr_subscriptions) != 0: res = humbug_client.add_subscriptions(list(zephyr_subscriptions)) if res.get("result") != "success": print "Error subscribing to streams:" print res["msg"] return already = res.get("already_subscribed") new = res.get("subscribed") if verbose: if already is not None and len(already) > 0: print print "Already subscribed to:", ", ".join(already) if new is not None and len(new) > 0: print print "Successfully subscribed to:", ", ".join(new) if len(skipped) > 0: if verbose: print print "\n".join(textwrap.wrap("""\ You have some lines in ~/.zephyr.subs that could not be synced to your Humbug subscriptions because they do not use "*" as both the instance and recipient and not one of the special cases (e.g. personals and mail zephyrs) that Humbug has a mechanism for forwarding. Humbug does not allow subscribing to only some subjects on a Humbug stream, so this tool has not created a corresponding Humbug subscription to these lines in ~/.zephyr.subs: """)) print for (cls, instance, recipient, reason) in skipped: if verbose: if reason != "": print " [%s,%s,%s] (%s)" % (cls, instance, recipient, reason) else: print " [%s,%s,%s]" % (cls, instance, recipient, reason) if len(skipped) > 0: if verbose: print print "\n".join(textwrap.wrap("""\ If you wish to be subscribed to any Humbug streams related to these .zephyrs.subs lines, please do so via the Humbug web interface. """)) print if verbose: print print "IMPORTANT: Please reload the Humbug app for these changes to take effect." def valid_stream_name(name): return name != "" def parse_zephyr_subs(verbose=False): zephyr_subscriptions = set() subs_file = os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], ".zephyr.subs") if not os.path.exists(subs_file): if verbose: print >>sys.stderr, "Couldn't find ~/.zephyr.subs!" return [] for line in file(subs_file, "r").readlines(): line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0: continue try: (cls, instance, recipient) = line.split(",") cls = cls.replace("%me%", options.user) instance = instance.replace("%me%", options.user) recipient = recipient.replace("%me%", options.user) if not valid_stream_name(cls): if verbose: print >>sys.stderr, "Skipping subscription to unsupported class name: [%s]" % (line,) continue except Exception: if verbose: print >>sys.stderr, "Couldn't parse ~/.zephyr.subs line: [%s]" % (line,) continue zephyr_subscriptions.add((cls.strip(), instance.strip(), recipient.strip())) return zephyr_subscriptions def fetch_fullname(username): try: proc = subprocess.Popen(['hesinfo', username, 'passwd'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, _err_unused = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode == 0: return out.split(':')[4].split(',')[0] except Exception: logger.exception("Error getting fullname for %s:" % (username,)) return username def configure_logger(direction_name): if options.forward_class_messages: if options.test_mode: log_file = "/home/humbug/test-mirror-log" else: log_file = "/home/humbug/mirror-log" else: log_file = "/tmp/humbug-log." + options.user logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) log_format = "%(asctime)s " + direction_name + ": %(message)s" formatter = logging.Formatter(log_format) logging.basicConfig(format=log_format) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file) file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(file_handler) return logger def parse_args(): parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option('--forward-class-messages', default=False, help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP, action='store_true') parser.add_option('--shard', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option('--resend-log', dest='resend_log_path', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option('--enable-log', dest='log_path', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option('--no-forward-personals', dest='forward_personals', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP, default=True, action='store_false') parser.add_option('--no-forward-from-humbug', default=True, dest='forward_from_humbug', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP, action='store_false') parser.add_option('--verbose', default=False, help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP, action='store_true') parser.add_option('--sync-subscriptions', default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_option('--site', default=DEFAULT_SITE, help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option('--user', default=os.environ["USER"], help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option('--root-path', default="/afs/athena.mit.edu/user/t/a/tabbott/for_friends", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option('--test-mode', default=False, help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP, action='store_true') parser.add_option('--api-key-file', default=os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], "Private", ".humbug-api-key")) return parser.parse_args() if __name__ == "__main__": # Set the SIGCHLD handler back to SIG_DFL to prevent these errors # when importing the "requests" module after being restarted using # the restart_stamp functionality: # # close failed in file object destructor: # IOError: [Errno 10] No child processes signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, signal.SIG_DFL) (options, args) = parse_args() sys.path[:0] = [options.root_path, os.path.join(options.root_path, "python-zephyr"), os.path.join(options.root_path, "python-zephyr/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.6/")] # In case this is an automated restart of the mirroring script, # and we have lost AFS tokens, first try reading the API key from # the environment so that we can skip doing a filesystem read. if os.environ.get("HUMBUG_API_KEY") is not None: api_key = os.environ.get("HUMBUG_API_KEY") else: if not os.path.exists(options.api_key_file): print "\n".join(textwrap.wrap("""\ Could not find API key file. You need to either place your api key file at %s, or specify the --api-key-file option.""" % (options.api_key_file,))) sys.exit(1) api_key = file(options.api_key_file).read().strip() # Store the API key in the environment so that our children # don't need to read it in os.environ["HUMBUG_API_KEY"] = api_key import api.common humbug_client = api.common.HumbugAPI(email=options.user + "@mit.edu", api_key=api_key, verbose=True, client="zephyr_mirror", site=options.site) start_time = time.time() if options.sync_subscriptions: print "Syncing your ~/.zephyr.subs to your Humbug Subscriptions!" add_humbug_subscriptions(True) sys.exit(0) # First check that there are no other bots running bot_name = "zephyr_mirror_backend.py" if not options.test_mode: pgrep_query = bot_name if options.shard is not None: pgrep_query = "%s.*--shard=%s" % (bot_name, options.shard) proc = subprocess.Popen(['pgrep', '-U', os.environ["USER"], "-f", pgrep_query], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, _err_unused = proc.communicate() for pid in out.split(): if int(pid.strip()) != os.getpid(): # Another copy of zephyr_mirror.py! Kill it. print "Killing duplicate zephyr_mirror process %s" % (pid,) try: os.kill(int(pid), signal.SIGKILL) except OSError: # We don't care if the child process no longer exists, so just print the error traceback.print_exc() if options.shard is not None and set(options.shard) != set("a"): # The shard that is all "a"s is the one that handles personals # forwarding and humbug => zephyr forwarding options.forward_personals = False options.forward_from_humbug = False if options.forward_from_humbug: child_pid = os.fork() if child_pid == 0: # Run the humbug => zephyr mirror in the child logger = configure_logger("humbug=>zephyr") zsig_fullname = fetch_fullname(options.user) humbug_to_zephyr(options) sys.exit(0) else: child_pid = None import zephyr while True: try: # zephyr.init() tries to clear old subscriptions, and thus # sometimes gets a SERVNAK from the server zephyr.init() break except IOError: traceback.print_exc() time.sleep(1) logger_name = "zephyr=>humbug" if options.shard is not None: logger_name += "(%s)" % (options.shard,) logger = configure_logger(logger_name) # Have the kernel reap children for when we fork off processes to send Humbugs signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, signal.SIG_IGN) zephyr_to_humbug(options)