#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import os import argparse import traceback import multiprocessing as mp import zulip import slack_sdk from slack_sdk.rtm import RTMClient from typing import Any, Dict, Callable import bridge_with_slack_config # change these templates to change the format of displayed message ZULIP_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = "**{username}**: {message}" SLACK_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = "<{username}> {message}" def check_zulip_message_validity(msg: Dict[str, Any], config: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool: is_a_stream = msg["type"] == "stream" in_the_specified_stream = msg["display_recipient"] == config["stream"] at_the_specified_subject = msg["subject"] == config["topic"] # We do this to identify the messages generated from Matrix -> Zulip # and we make sure we don't forward it again to the Matrix. not_from_zulip_bot = msg["sender_email"] != config["email"] if is_a_stream and not_from_zulip_bot and in_the_specified_stream and at_the_specified_subject: return True return False class SlackBridge: def __init__(self, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: self.config = config self.zulip_config = config["zulip"] self.slack_config = config["slack"] # zulip-specific self.zulip_client = zulip.Client( email=self.zulip_config["email"], api_key=self.zulip_config["api_key"], site=self.zulip_config["site"]) self.zulip_stream = self.zulip_config["stream"] self.zulip_subject = self.zulip_config["topic"] # slack-specific self.channel = self.slack_config["channel"] self.slack_client = RTMClient(token=self.slack_config["token"], auto_reconnect=True) # Spawn a non-websocket client for getting the users # list and for posting messages in Slack. self.slack_webclient = slack_sdk.WebClient(token=self.slack_config["token"]) def wrap_slack_mention_with_bracket(self, zulip_msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: words = zulip_msg["content"].split(' ') for w in words: if w.startswith('@'): zulip_msg["content"] = zulip_msg["content"].replace(w, '<' + w + '>') def replace_slack_id_with_name(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: words = msg['text'].split(' ') for w in words: if w.startswith('<@') and w.endswith('>'): _id = w[2:-1] msg['text'] = msg['text'].replace(_id, self.slack_id_to_name[_id]) def zulip_to_slack(self) -> Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], None]: def _zulip_to_slack(msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: message_valid = check_zulip_message_validity(msg, self.zulip_config) if message_valid: self.wrap_slack_mention_with_bracket(msg) slack_text = SLACK_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.format(username=msg["sender_full_name"], message=msg["content"]) self.slack_webclient.chat_postMessage( channel=self.channel, text=slack_text, ) return _zulip_to_slack def run_slack_listener(self) -> None: members = self.slack_webclient.users_list()['members'] # See also https://api.slack.com/changelog/2017-09-the-one-about-usernames self.slack_id_to_name = {u["id"]: u["profile"].get("display_name", u["profile"]["real_name"]) for u in members} self.slack_name_to_id = {v: k for k, v in self.slack_id_to_name.items()} @RTMClient.run_on(event='message') def slack_to_zulip(**payload: Any) -> None: msg = payload['data'] if msg['channel'] != self.channel: return user_id = msg['user'] user = self.slack_id_to_name[user_id] from_bot = user == self.slack_config['username'] if from_bot: return self.replace_slack_id_with_name(msg) content = ZULIP_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.format(username=user, message=msg['text']) msg_data = dict( type="stream", to=self.zulip_stream, subject=self.zulip_subject, content=content) self.zulip_client.send_message(msg_data) self.slack_client.start() if __name__ == "__main__": usage = """run-slack-bridge Relay each message received at a specified subject in a specified stream from the first realm to a channel in a Slack workspace. """ sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=usage) print("Starting slack mirroring bot") print("MAKE SURE THE BOT IS SUBSCRIBED TO THE RELEVANT ZULIP STREAM") config = bridge_with_slack_config.config backoff = zulip.RandomExponentialBackoff(timeout_success_equivalent=300) while backoff.keep_going(): try: sb = SlackBridge(config) zp = mp.Process(target=sb.zulip_client.call_on_each_message, args=(sb.zulip_to_slack(),)) sp = mp.Process(target=sb.run_slack_listener, args=()) print("Starting message handler on Zulip client") zp.start() print("Starting message handler on Slack client") sp.start() zp.join() sp.join() except Exception: traceback.print_exc() backoff.fail()