This bot will allow briefings of estimated travel times, distances and fare information for transit travel. It can respond to: departure times, arrival times, user preferences (toll avoidance, highway avoidance) and a mode of transport It can output: fare information, more detailed addresses on origin and destination, duration in traffic information, metric and imperical units and information in various languages. The bot will respond to the same stream input was in. And if called as private message, the bot will reply with a private message. To setup the bot, you will first need to move google-commute.ini into the user home directory and add an API key. Move <pre><code>~/zulip/contrib_bots/lib/CommuteBot/google-commute.ini</code></pre> into <pre><code>~/google-commute.ini</code></pre> To add an API key, please visit: to retrieve a key and copy your api key into google-commute.ini Sample input and output: <pre><code>@commute help</code></pre> <pre><code>Obligatory Inputs: Origin e.g. origins=New+York,NY,USA Destination e.g. destinations=Chicago,IL,USA Optional Inputs: Mode Of Transport (inputs: driving, walking, bicycling, transit) Default mode (no mode input) is driving e.g. mode=driving or mode=transit Units (metric or imperial) e.g. units=metric Restrictions (inputs: tolls, highways, ferries, indoor) e.g. avoid=tolls Departure Time (inputs: now or (YYYY, MM, DD, HH, MM, SS) departing) e.g. departure_time=now or departure_time=2016,12,17,23,40,40 Arrival Time (inputs: (YYYY, MM, DD, HH, MM, SS) arriving) e.g. arrival_time=2016,12,17,23,40,40 Languages: Languages list: e.g. language=fr </code></pre> Sample request: <pre><code> @commute origins=Chicago,IL,USA destinations=New+York,NY,USA language=fr </code></pre> Please note: Fare information can be derived, though is solely dependent on the availability of the information released by public transport operators. Duration in traffic can only be derived if a departure time is set. If a location has spaces in its name, please use a + symbol in the place of the space/s. A departure time and a arrival time can not be inputted at the same time No spaces within addresses. Departure times and arrival times must be in the UTC timezone, you can use the timezone bot.