# See readme.md for instructions on running this code. from __future__ import print_function import logging import http.client from six.moves.urllib.request import urlopen # Uses the Google search engine bindings # pip install --upgrade google from google import search def get_google_result(search_keywords): help_message = "To use this bot, start messages with @mentioned-bot, \ followed by what you want to search for. If \ found, Zulip will return the first search result \ on Google.\ \ An example message that could be sent is:\ '@mentioned-bot zulip' or \ '@mentioned-bot how to create a chatbot'." if search_keywords == 'help': return help_message elif search_keywords == '' or search_keywords is None: return help_message else: try: urls = search(search_keywords, stop=20) urlopen('', timeout=1) except http.client.RemoteDisconnected as er: logging.exception(er) return 'Error: No internet connection. {}.'.format(er) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) return 'Error: Search failed. {}.'.format(e) try: url = next(urls) except AttributeError as a_err: # google.search query failed and urls is of object # 'NoneType' logging.exception(a_err) return "Error: Google search failed with a NoneType result. {}.".format(a_err) except TypeError as t_err: # google.search query failed and returned None # This technically should not happen but the prior # error check assumed this behavior logging.exception(t_err) return "Error: Google search function failed. {}.".format(t_err) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) return 'Error: Search failed. {}.'.format(e) return 'Success: {}'.format(url) class GoogleSearchHandler(object): ''' This plugin allows users to enter a search term in Zulip and get the top URL sent back to the context (stream or private) in which it was called. It looks for messages starting with @mentioned-bot. ''' def usage(self): return ''' This plugin will allow users to search for a given search term on Google from Zulip. Use '@mentioned-bot help' to get more information on the bot usage. Users should preface messages with @mentioned-bot. ''' def handle_message(self, message, client, state_handler): original_content = message['content'] result = get_google_result(original_content) client.send_reply(message, result) handler_class = GoogleSearchHandler def test(): try: urlopen('', timeout=1) print('Success') return True except http.client.RemoteDisconnected as e: print('Error: {}'.format(e)) return False if __name__ == '__main__': test()