#!/usr/bin/python import sys import traceback import simplejson import re import time import subprocess import optparse import os import datetime import textwrap import signal root_path = "/mit/tabbott/for_friends" sys.path.append(root_path) sys.path.append(root_path + "/python-zephyr") sys.path.append(root_path + "/python-zephyr/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.6/") parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option('--forward-class-messages', dest='forward_class_messages', default=False, help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP, action='store_true') parser.add_option('--resend-log', dest='resend_log', default=False, help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP, action='store_true') parser.add_option('--enable-log', dest='enable_log', default=False, help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP, action='store_true') parser.add_option('--no-forward-personals', dest='forward_personals', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP, default=True, action='store_false') parser.add_option('--forward-from-humbug', dest='forward_from_humbug', default=False, help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP, action='store_true') parser.add_option('--verbose', dest='verbose', default=False, help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP, action='store_true') parser.add_option('--sync-subscriptions', dest='sync_subscriptions', default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_option('--site', dest='site', default="https://humbughq.com", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP, action='store') parser.add_option('--user', dest='user', default=os.environ["USER"], help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP, action='store') parser.add_option('--api-key-file', dest='api_key_file', default=os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], "Private", ".humbug-api-key"), action='store') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() api_key = file(options.api_key_file).read().strip() import api.common humbug_client = api.common.HumbugAPI(email=options.user + "@mit.edu", api_key=api_key, verbose=True, client="zephyr_mirror", site=options.site) start_time = time.time() def humbug_username(zephyr_username): return zephyr_username.lower().split("@")[0] + "@mit.edu" def unwrap_lines(body): # Split into paragraphs at two consecutive newlines, or a newline followed # by an indent. return '\n\n'.join(p.replace('\n', ' ') for p in re.split(r'\n[ \t\n]', body)) def send_humbug(zeph): if options.forward_class_messages: zeph["forged"] = "yes" zeph["sender"] = humbug_username(zeph["sender"]) zeph['fullname'] = username_to_fullname(zeph['sender']) zeph['shortname'] = zeph['sender'].split('@')[0] if "subject" in zeph: zeph["subject"] = zeph["subject"][:60] if zeph['type'] == 'stream': # Forward messages sent to -c foo -i bar to stream bar subject "instance" if zeph["stream"] == "message": zeph['stream'] = zeph['subject'] zeph['subject'] = "instance %s" % (zeph['stream']) elif zeph["stream"] == "tabbott-test5": zeph['stream'] = zeph['subject'] zeph['subject'] = "test instance %s" % (zeph['stream']) for key in zeph.keys(): if isinstance(zeph[key], unicode): zeph[key] = zeph[key].encode("utf-8") elif isinstance(zeph[key], str): zeph[key] = zeph[key].decode("utf-8") zeph['content'] = unwrap_lines(zeph['content']) return humbug_client.send_message(zeph) def fetch_fullname(username): try: match_user = re.match(r'([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)@mit\.edu', username) if match_user: proc = subprocess.Popen(['hesinfo', match_user.group(1), 'passwd'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, _err_unused = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode == 0: return out.split(':')[4].split(',')[0] except: print >>sys.stderr, '%s: zephyr=>humbug: Error getting fullname for %s' % \ (datetime.datetime.now(), username) traceback.print_exc() domains = [ ("@CS.CMU.EDU", " (CMU)"), ("@ANDREW.CMU.EDU", " (CMU)"), ("@IASTATE.EDU", " (IASTATE)"), ("@1TS.ORG", " (1TS)"), ("@DEMENTIA.ORG", " (DEMENTIA)"), ("@MIT.EDU", ""), ] for (domain, tag) in domains: if username.upper().endswith(domain): return username.split("@")[0] + tag return username fullnames = {} def username_to_fullname(username): if username not in fullnames: fullnames[username] = fetch_fullname(username) return fullnames[username] current_zephyr_subs = {} def ensure_subscribed(sub): if sub in current_zephyr_subs: return subs.add((sub, '*', '*')) current_zephyr_subs[sub] = True def update_subscriptions_from_humbug(): try: res = humbug_client.get_public_streams() streams = res["streams"] except: print "%s: Error getting public streams:" % (datetime.datetime.now()) traceback.print_exc() return for stream in streams: ensure_subscribed(stream) def maybe_restart_mirroring_script(): if os.stat(root_path + "/stamps/restart_stamp").st_mtime > start_time or \ ((options.user == "tabbott" or options.user == "tabbott/extra") and os.stat(root_path + "/stamps/tabbott_stamp").st_mtime > start_time): print print "%s: zephyr mirroring script has been updated; restarting..." % \ (datetime.datetime.now()) os.kill(child_pid, signal.SIGKILL) while True: try: os.execvp(root_path + "/zephyr_mirror.py", sys.argv) except: print "Error restarting, trying again." traceback.print_exc() time.sleep(10) def process_loop(log): sleep_count = 0 sleep_time = 0.1 while True: notice = zephyr.receive(block=False) if notice is not None: try: process_notice(notice, log) except: print >>sys.stderr, '%s: zephyr=>humbug: Error relaying zephyr' % \ (datetime.datetime.now()) traceback.print_exc() time.sleep(2) maybe_restart_mirroring_script() time.sleep(sleep_time) sleep_count += sleep_time if sleep_count > 15: sleep_count = 0 if options.forward_class_messages: # Ask the Humbug server about any new classes to subscribe to update_subscriptions_from_humbug() continue def process_notice(notice, log): try: zsig, body = notice.message.split("\x00", 1) except ValueError: body = notice.message zsig = "" is_personal = False is_huddle = False if notice.opcode == "PING": # skip PING messages return if isinstance(zsig, str): # Check for width unicode character u'\u200B'.encode("utf-8") if u'\u200B'.encode("utf-8") in zsig: print "%s: zephyr=>humbug: Skipping message from Humbug!" % \ (datetime.datetime.now()) return sender = notice.sender.lower().replace("athena.mit.edu", "mit.edu") recipient = notice.recipient.lower().replace("athena.mit.edu", "mit.edu") zephyr_class = notice.cls.lower() instance = notice.instance.lower() if (zephyr_class == "message" and recipient != ""): is_personal = True if body.startswith("CC:"): is_huddle = True # Map "CC: sipbtest espuser" => "starnine@mit.edu,espuser@mit.edu" huddle_recipients_list = [humbug_username(x.strip()) for x in body.split("\n")[0][4:].split()] if sender not in huddle_recipients_list: huddle_recipients_list.append(sender) huddle_recipients = ",".join(huddle_recipients_list) if (zephyr_class == "mail" and instance == "inbox"): is_personal = True # Drop messages not to the listed subscriptions if (zephyr_class not in current_zephyr_subs) and not \ (is_personal and options.forward_personals): print "%s: zephyr=>humbug: Skipping ... %s/%s/%s" % \ (datetime.datetime.now(), zephyr_class, instance, is_personal) return if is_huddle: zeph = { 'type' : 'personal', 'time' : str(notice.time), 'sender' : sender, 'recipient' : huddle_recipients, 'zsig' : zsig, # logged here but not used by app 'content' : body.split("\n", 1)[1] } elif is_personal: zeph = { 'type' : 'personal', 'time' : str(notice.time), 'sender' : sender, 'recipient' : humbug_username(recipient), 'zsig' : zsig, # logged here but not used by app 'content' : body } else: zeph = { 'type' : 'stream', 'time' : str(notice.time), 'sender' : sender, 'stream' : zephyr_class, 'subject' : instance, 'zsig' : zsig, # logged here but not used by app 'content' : body } # Add instances in for instanced personals if zeph['type'] == "personal" and instance != "personal": zeph["content"] = "[-i %s]" % (instance,) + "\n" + zeph["content"] print "%s: zephyr=>humbug: received a message on %s/%s from %s..." % \ (datetime.datetime.now(), zephyr_class, instance, notice.sender) log.write(simplejson.dumps(zeph) + '\n') log.flush() res = send_humbug(zeph) if res.get("result") != "success": print >>sys.stderr, 'Error relaying zephyr' print zeph print res def zephyr_to_humbug(options): if options.forward_class_messages: update_subscriptions_from_humbug() if options.forward_personals: subs.add(("message", "*", options.user + "@ATHENA.MIT.EDU")) if subscribed_to_mail_messages(): subs.add(("mail", "inbox", options.user + "@ATHENA.MIT.EDU")) if options.resend_log: with open('/mit/tabbott/Private/zephyrs', 'r') as log: for ln in log: try: zeph = simplejson.loads(ln) print "%s: zephyr=>humbug: sending saved message to %s from %s..." % \ (datetime.datetime.now(), zeph.get('class', zeph.get('recipient')), zeph['sender']) send_humbug(zeph) except: print >>sys.stderr, 'Could not send saved zephyr' traceback.print_exc() time.sleep(2) print "%s: zephyr=>humbug: Starting receive loop." % (datetime.datetime.now(),) if options.enable_log: log_file = "/mit/tabbott/Private/zephyrs" else: log_file = "/dev/null" with open(log_file, 'a') as log: process_loop(log) def forward_to_zephyr(message): zsig = u"%s\u200B" % (username_to_fullname(message["sender_email"])) if ' dot ' in zsig: print "%s: humbug=>zephyr: ERROR! Couldn't compute zsig for %s!" % \ (datetime.datetime.now(), message["sender_email"]) return wrapped_content = "\n".join("\n".join(textwrap.wrap(line)) for line in message["content"].split("\n")) sender_email = message["sender_email"].replace("mit.edu", "ATHENA.MIT.EDU") print "%s: humbug=>zephyr: Forwarding message from %s" % \ (datetime.datetime.now(), sender_email) if message['type'] == "stream": zephyr_class = message["display_recipient"] instance = message["subject"] if (instance == "instance %s" % (zephyr_class,) or instance == "test instance %s" % (zephyr_class,)): # Forward messages to e.g. -c -i white-magic back from the # place we forward them to if instance.startswith("test"): instance = zephyr_class zephyr_class = "tabbott-test5" else: instance = zephyr_class zephyr_class = "message" zeph = zephyr.ZNotice(sender=sender_email, auth=True, cls=zephyr_class, instance=instance) body = "%s\0%s" % (zsig, wrapped_content) zeph.setmessage(body) zeph.send() elif message['type'] == "personal": recipient = message["display_recipient"]["email"] recipient = recipient.replace("@mit.edu", "@ATHENA.MIT.EDU") zeph = zephyr.ZNotice(sender=sender_email, auth=True, recipient=recipient, cls="message", instance="personal") body = "%s\0%s" % (zsig, wrapped_content) zeph.setmessage(body) zeph.send() elif message['type'] == "huddle": cc_list = ["CC:"] cc_list.extend([user["email"].replace("@mit.edu", "") for user in message["display_recipient"]]) body = "%s\0%s\n%s" % (zsig, " ".join(cc_list), wrapped_content) for r in message["display_recipient"]: recipient = r["email"].replace("mit.edu", "ATHENA.MIT.EDU") zeph = zephyr.ZNotice(sender=sender_email, auth=True, recipient=recipient, cls="message", instance="personal") zeph.setmessage(body) zeph.send() def maybe_forward_to_zephyr(message): if message["sender_email"] == options.user + "@mit.edu": timestamp_now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%s") if float(message["timestamp"]) < float(timestamp_now) - 15: print "%s humbug=>zephyr: Alert! Out of order message: %s < %s" % \ (datetime.datetime.now(), message["timestamp"], timestamp_now) return forward_to_zephyr(message) def humbug_to_zephyr(options): # Sync messages from zephyr to humbug print "%s: humbug=>zephyr: Starting syncing messages." % (datetime.datetime.now(),) humbug_client.call_on_each_message(maybe_forward_to_zephyr, options={"mirror": 'zephyr_mirror'}) def subscribed_to_mail_messages(): for (cls, instance, recipient) in parse_zephyr_subs(verbose=False): if (cls.lower() == "mail" and instance.lower() == "inbox"): return True return False def add_humbug_subscriptions(verbose): zephyr_subscriptions = set() skipped = set() for (cls, instance, recipient) in parse_zephyr_subs(verbose=verbose): if cls == "message" and recipient == "*": if instance == "*": continue # If you're on -i white-magic on zephyr, get on stream white-magic on humbug # instead of subscribing to stream "message" on humbug zephyr_subscriptions.add(instance) continue elif cls == "mail" and recipient == "inbox": continue elif instance != "*" or recipient != "*": skipped.add((cls, instance, recipient)) continue zephyr_subscriptions.add(cls) if len(zephyr_subscriptions) != 0: res = humbug_client.subscribe(list(zephyr_subscriptions)) already = res.get("already_subscribed") new = res.get("subscribed") if verbose: if already is not None and len(already) > 0: print print "Already subscribed to:", ", ".join(already) if new is not None and len(new) > 0: print print "Successfully subscribed to:", ", ".join(new) if len(skipped) > 0: if verbose: print print "\n".join(textwrap.wrap("""\ You have some lines in ~/.zephyr.subs that could not be synced to your Humbug subscriptions because they do not use "*" as both the instance and recipient and not one of the special cases (e.g. personals and mail zephyrs) that Humbug has a mechanism for forwarding. Humbug does not allow subscribing to only some subjects on a Humbug stream, so this tool has not created a corresponding Humbug subscription to these lines in ~/.zephyr.subs: """)) print for (cls, instance, recipient) in skipped: if verbose: print " [%s,%s,%s]" % (cls, instance, recipient) if len(skipped) > 0: if verbose: print print "\n".join(textwrap.wrap("""\ If you wish to be subscribed to any Humbug streams related to these .zephyrs.subs lines, please do so via the Humbug web interface. """)) print def parse_zephyr_subs(verbose=False): zephyr_subscriptions = set() subs_file = os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], ".zephyr.subs") if not os.path.exists(subs_file): if verbose: print >>sys.stderr, "Couldn't find .zephyr.subs!" print >>sys.stderr, "Do you mean to run with --no-auto-subscribe?" return [] for line in file(subs_file, "r").readlines(): line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0: continue try: (cls, instance, recipient) = line.split(",") except: if verbose: print >>sys.stderr, "Couldn't parse ~/.zephyr.subs line: [%s]" % (line,) continue zephyr_subscriptions.add((cls.strip(), instance.strip(), recipient.strip())) return zephyr_subscriptions if options.sync_subscriptions: print "Syncing your ~/.zephyr.subs to your Humbug Subscriptions!" add_humbug_subscriptions(True) sys.exit(0) if options.forward_from_humbug: print "This option is obsolete." sys.exit(0) # First check that there are no other bots running cmdline = " ".join(sys.argv) proc = subprocess.Popen(['pgrep', '-U', os.environ["USER"], "-f", cmdline], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, _err_unused = proc.communicate() for pid in out.split(): if int(pid.strip()) != os.getpid(): # Another copy of zephyr_mirror.py! Kill it. print "Killing duplicate zephyr_mirror process %s" % pid os.kill(int(pid), signal.SIGKILL) child_pid = os.fork() if child_pid == 0: # Run the humbug => zephyr mirror in the child import zephyr zephyr.init() humbug_to_zephyr(options) sys.exit(0) import zephyr zephyr.init() subs = zephyr.Subscriptions() zephyr_to_humbug(options)