from __future__ import absolute_import from future import standard_library standard_library.install_aliases() from . import github import json import os import requests import six.moves.configparser import urllib.error import urllib.parse import urllib.request class IssueHandler(object): ''' This plugin facilitates sending issues to github, when an item is prefixed with '@mention-bot'. It will also write items to the issues stream, as well as reporting it to github ''' URL = '{}/{}/issues' CHARACTER_LIMIT = 70 CONFIG_FILE = '~/.github-auth.conf' def __init__(self): self.repo_name = github.get_repo() self.repo_owner = github.get_repo_owner() def usage(self): return ''' This plugin will allow users to flag messages as being issues with Zulip by using te prefix '@mention-bot'. Before running this, make sure to create a stream called "issues" that your API user can send to. Also, make sure that the credentials of the github bot have been typed in correctly, that there is a personal access token with access to public repositories ONLY, and that the repository name is entered correctly. Check ~/.github-auth.conf, and make sure there are github_repo = <repo_name> (The name of the repo to post to) github_repo_owner = <repo_owner> (The owner of the repo to post to) github_username = <username> (The username of the GitHub bot) github_token = <oauth_token> (The personal access token for the GitHub bot) ''' def handle_message(self, message, client, state_handler): original_content = message['content'] original_sender = message['sender_email'] temp_content = 'by {}:'.format(original_sender,) new_content = temp_content + original_content # gets the repo url url_new = self.URL.format(self.REPO_OWNER, self.REPO_NAME) # signs into github using the provided username and password session = github.auth() issue_title = message['content'].strip() issue_content = '' new_issue_title = '' for part_of_title in issue_title.split(): if len(new_issue_title) < self.CHARACTER_LIMIT: new_issue_title += '{} '.format(part_of_title) else: issue_content += '{} '.format(part_of_title) new_issue_title = new_issue_title.strip() issue_content = issue_content.strip() new_issue_title += '...' # Creates the issue json, that is transmitted to the github api servers issue = { 'title': new_issue_title, 'body': '{} **Sent by [{}]( from zulip**'.format(issue_content, original_sender), 'assignee': '', 'milestone': 'none', 'labels': [''], } # Sends the HTTP post request r =, json.dumps(issue)) if r.ok: # sends the message onto the 'issues' stream so it can be seen by zulip users client.send_message(dict( type='stream', to='issues', subject=message['sender_email'], # Adds a check mark so that the user can verify if it has been sent content='{} :heavy_check_mark:'.format(new_content), )) return # This means that the issue has not been sent # sends the message onto the 'issues' stream so it can be seen by zulip users client.send_message(dict( type='stream', to='issues', subject=message['sender_email'], # Adds a cross so that the user can see that it has failed, and provides a link to a # google search that can (hopefully) direct them to the error content='{} :x: Code: [{}]( HTTP {} Error {})' .format(new_content, r.status_code, r.status_code, r.content), )) handler_class = IssueHandler