# Overview This is the documentation for how to set up and run the GitHub comment bot. (`git_hub_comment.py`) This directory contains library code for running Zulip bots that react to messages sent by users. This bot will allow you to comment on a GitHub issue. You should preface messages with `@comment` or `@gcomment`. You will need to have a GitHub account, and a GitHub OAuth token. ## Setup Before running this bot, make sure to get a GitHub OAuth token. You can look at this tutorial if you need help: <https://help.github.com/articles/creating-an-access-token-for-command-line-use/> The token will need to be authorized for the following scopes: `gist, public_repo, user`. Store it in the `~/github-auth.conf` file, along with your username, in the format: github_repo = <repo_name> (The name of the repo to post to) github_repo_owner = <repo_owner> (The owner of the repo to post to) github_username = <username> (The username of the GitHub bot) github_token = <oauth_token> (The personal access token for the GitHub bot) `<repository_owner>/<repository>/<issue_number>/<your_comment`. ## Running the bot Here is an example of running the `git_hub_comment` bot from inside a Zulip repo: `cd ~/zulip/contrib_bots` `./run.py bots/git_hub_comment/git_hub_comment.py --config-file ~/.zuliprc-prod` Once the bot code starts running, you will see a message explaining how to use the bot, as well as some log messages. You can use the `--quiet` option to suppress some of the informational messages. The bot code will run continuously until you kill them with control-C (or otherwise). ### Configuration For this document we assume you have some prior experience with using the Zulip API, but here is a quick review of what a `.zuliprc` files looks like. You can connect to the API as your own human user, or you can go into the Zulip settings page to create a user-owned bot. [api] email=someuser@example.com key=<your api key> site=https://zulip.somewhere.com