import json import requests from contextlib import contextmanager from unittest.mock import patch from typing import Any, Dict, List @contextmanager def mock_http_conversation(http_data): # type: (Dict[str, Any]) -> Any """ Use this context manager to mock and verify a bot's HTTP requests to the third-party API (and provide the correct third-party API response. This allows us to test things that would require the Internet without it). http_data should be fixtures data formatted like the data in zulip_bots/zulip_bots/bots/giphy/fixtures/test_normal.json """ def get_response(http_response, http_headers): # type: (Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]) -> Any """Creates a fake `requests` Response with a desired HTTP response and response headers. """ mock_result = requests.Response() mock_result._content = json.dumps(http_response).encode() # type: ignore # This modifies a "hidden" attribute. mock_result.status_code = http_headers.get('status', 200) return mock_result def assert_called_with_fields(mock_result, http_request, fields): # type: (Any, Dict[str, Any], List[str]) -> None """Calls `assert_called_with` on a mock object using an HTTP request. Uses `fields` to determine which keys to look for in HTTP request and to test; if a key is in `fields`, e.g., 'headers', it will be used in the assertion. """ args = {} for field in fields: if field in http_request: args[field] = http_request[field] mock_result.assert_called_with(http_request['api_url'], **args) try: http_request = http_data['request'] http_response = http_data['response'] http_headers = http_data['response-headers'] except KeyError: print("ERROR: Failed to find 'request', 'response' or 'response-headers' fields in fixture") raise http_method = http_request.get('method', 'GET') if http_method == 'GET': with patch('requests.get') as mock_get: mock_get.return_value = get_response(http_response, http_headers) yield assert_called_with_fields( mock_get, http_request, ['params', 'headers'] ) else: with patch('') as mock_post: mock_post.return_value = get_response(http_response, http_headers) yield assert_called_with_fields( mock_post, http_request, ['params', 'headers', 'json', 'data'] ) @contextmanager def mock_request_exception(): # type: () -> Any def assert_mock_called(mock_result): # type: (Any) -> None assert mock_result.called with patch('requests.get') as mock_get: mock_get.return_value = True mock_get.side_effect = requests.exceptions.RequestException yield assert_mock_called(mock_get)