import sys
import subprocess
import base64

short_user = sys.argv[1]
api_key = sys.argv[2]
ccache_data_encoded = sys.argv[3]

# Update the Kerberos ticket cache file
program_name = "zmirror-%s" % (short_user,)
with file("/home/zulip/ccache/%s" % (program_name,), "w") as f:

# Setup API key
api_key_path = "/home/zulip/api-keys/%s" % (program_name,)
file(api_key_path, "w").write(api_key + "\n")

# Setup supervisord configuration
supervisor_path = "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/%s.conf" % (program_name,)
template = "/home/zulip/zulip/bots/zmirror_private.conf.template"
template_data = file(template).read()
session_path = "/home/zulip/zephyr_sessions/%s" % (program_name,)

# Preserve mail zephyrs forwarding setting across rewriting the config file

    if "--forward-mail-zephyrs" in file(supervisor_path, "r").read():
        template_data = template_data.replace("--use-sessions", "--use-sessions --forward-mail-zephyrs")
except Exception:
file(supervisor_path, "w").write(template_data.replace("USERNAME", short_user))

# Delete your session
subprocess.check_call(["rm", "-f", session_path])
# Update your supervisor config, which may restart your mirror
subprocess.check_call(["supervisorctl", "reread"])
subprocess.check_call(["supervisorctl", "update"])
# Restart your mirror, in case it wasn't restarted by the previous
# (Otherwise if the mirror lost subs, this would do nothing)
# TODO: check whether we JUST restarted it first
subprocess.check_call(["supervisorctl", "restart", program_name])