#!/bin/bash # This file is copied from the original tools/commit-message-lint at zulip/zulip, # Edited at Line 14 Col 97 (zulip -> python-zulip-api) # Please don't edit here; instead update the zulip/zulip copy and then resync this file. # Lint all commit messages that are newer than upstream/master if running # locally or the commits in the push or PR Gh-Actions. # The rules can be found in /.gitlint repository="zulip/python-zulip-api" if [[ " $(git remote -v) " =~ ' '([^[:space:]]*)[[:space:]]*(https://github\.com/|ssh://git@github\.com/|git@github\.com:)"$repository"(\.git|/)?\ \(fetch\)' ' ]]; then range="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}/master..HEAD" else range="upstream/master..HEAD" fi commits=$(git log "$range" | wc -l) if [ "$commits" -gt 0 ]; then # Only run gitlint with non-empty commit lists, to avoid a printed # warning. gitlint --commits "$range" fi