#!/usr/bin/env python """ Script to provide information about send-receive times. It supports both munin and nagios outputs It must be run on a machine that is using the live database for the Django ORM. """ import datetime import os import sys import optparse import random def total_seconds(timedelta): return (timedelta.microseconds + (timedelta.seconds + timedelta.days * 24 * 3600) * 10**6) / 10.**6 usage = """Usage: send-receive.py [options] [config] 'config' is optional, if present will return config info. Otherwise, returns the output data.""" parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option('--site', dest='site', default="https://humbughq.com", action='store') parser.add_option('--nagios', dest='nagios', action='store_true') parser.add_option('--munin', dest='munin', action='store_true') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not options.nagios and not options.munin: print 'No output options specified! Please provide --munin or --nagios' sys.exit(0) if len(args) > 2: print usage sys.exit(0) if options.munin: if len(args) and args[0] == 'config': print \ """graph_title Send-Receive times graph_info The number of seconds it takes to send and receive a message from the server graph_args -u 5 -l 0 graph_vlabel RTT (seconds) sendreceive.label Send-receive round trip time sendreceive.warning 3 sendreceive.critical 5""" sys.exit(0) sys.path.append('/home/humbug/humbug-deployments/current/api') import humbug states = { "OK": 0, "WARNING": 1, "CRITICAL": 2, "UNKNOWN": 3 } def report(state, time, msg=None): if msg: print "%s: %s" % (state, msg) else: print "%s: send time was %s" % (state, time) exit(states[state]) def send_humbug(sender, message): result = sender.send_message(message) if result["result"] != "success" and options.nagios: report("CRITICAL", "Error sending Humbug, args were: %s, %s" % (message, result)) def get_humbug(recipient, max_message_id): result = recipient.get_messages({'last': str(max_message_id)}) if result['result'] != "success" and options.nagios: report("CRITICAL", "Error receiving Humbugs, args were: %s, %s" % (max_message_id, result)) return result['messages'] if options.site == "staging.humbughq.com": # hamlet and othello are default users on staging sender = "hamlet@humbughq.com" sender_key = "dfe1c934d555f4b9538d0d4cfd3069c2" recipient = "othello@humbughq.com" recipient_key = "4e5d97591bec64bf57d2698ffbb563e3" else: # cordelia and iago are default users on prod sender = "iago@humbughq.com" sender_key = "d43b53c27a8106195b46781abc67901a" recipient = "cordelia@humbughq.com" recipient_key = "24cf18de98d5c31da9c6c79f0cbec195" humbug_sender = humbug.Client( email=sender, api_key=sender_key, verbose=True, client="test: Humbug API", site=options.site) humbug_recipient = humbug.Client( email=recipient, api_key=recipient_key, verbose=True, client="test: Humbug API", site=options.site) max_message_id = humbug_recipient.get_profile().get('max_message_id') msg_to_send = str(random.getrandbits(64)) time_start = datetime.datetime.now() send_humbug(humbug_sender, { "type": 'private', "content": msg_to_send, "subject": "time to send", "to": recipient, }) msg_content = [] while msg_to_send not in msg_content: messages = get_humbug(humbug_recipient, max_message_id) time_diff = datetime.datetime.now() - time_start # Prevents checking the same messages everytime in the conditional # statement of the while loop max_message_id = max([msg['id'] for msg in messages]) msg_content = [m['content'] for m in messages] if options.nagios: if time_diff.seconds > 3: report('WARNING', time_diff) if time_diff.seconds > 6: report('CRITICAL', time_diff) if options.munin: print "sendreceive.value %s" % total_seconds(time_diff) elif options.nagios: report('OK', time_diff)