# To use this plugin, you need to set up the Giphy API key for this bot in # ~/.giphy_config from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function from six.moves.configparser import SafeConfigParser import requests import logging import sys import os import re GIPHY_TRANSLATE_API = 'http://api.giphy.com/v1/gifs/translate' if not os.path.exists(os.environ['HOME'] + '/.giphy_config'): print('Giphy bot config file not found, please set up it in ~/.giphy_config' '\n\nUsing format:\n\n[giphy-config]\nkey=\n\n') sys.exit(1) class GiphyHandler(object): ''' This plugin posts a GIF in response to the keywords provided by the user. Images are provided by Giphy, through the public API. The bot looks for messages starting with @mention of the bot and responds with a message with the GIF based on provided keywords. It also responds to private messages. ''' def usage(self): return ''' This plugin allows users to post GIFs provided by Giphy. Users should preface keywords with the Giphy-bot @mention. The bot responds also to private messages. ''' def handle_message(self, message, bot_handler, state_handler): bot_response = get_bot_giphy_response(message, bot_handler) bot_handler.send_reply(message, bot_response) class GiphyNoResultException(Exception): pass def get_giphy_api_key_from_config(): config = SafeConfigParser() with open(os.environ['HOME'] + '/.giphy_config', 'r') as config_file: config.readfp(config_file) return config.get("giphy-config", "key") def get_url_gif_giphy(keyword, api_key): # Return a URL for a Giphy GIF based on keywords given. # In case of error, e.g. failure to fetch a GIF URL, it will # return a number. query = {'s': keyword, 'api_key': api_key} try: data = requests.get(GIPHY_TRANSLATE_API, params=query) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: # Usually triggered by bad connection. logging.warning(e) raise search_status = data.json()['meta']['status'] if search_status != 200 or not data.ok: raise requests.exceptions.ConnectionError try: gif_url = data.json()['data']['images']['original']['url'] except (TypeError, KeyError): # Usually triggered by no result in Giphy. raise GiphyNoResultException() return gif_url def get_bot_giphy_response(message, bot_handler): # Each exception has a specific reply should "gif_url" return a number. # The bot will post the appropriate message for the error. keyword = message['content'] try: gif_url = get_url_gif_giphy(keyword, get_giphy_api_key_from_config()) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: return ('Uh oh, sorry :slightly_frowning_face:, I ' 'cannot process your request right now. But, ' 'let\'s try again later! :grin:') except GiphyNoResultException: return ('Sorry, I don\'t have a GIF for "%s"! ' ':astonished:' % (keyword)) return ('[Click to enlarge](%s)' '[](/static/images/interactive-bot/giphy/powered-by-giphy.png)' % (gif_url)) handler_class = GiphyHandler