# About Tic-Tac-Toe Bot This bot allows you to play tic-tac-toe in a private message with the bot. Multiple games can simultaneously be played by different users, each playing against the computer. The bot only responds to messages starting with **@tictactoe** or **@ttt**. ### Commands **@tictactoe new** (or **@ttt new**) will start a new game (but not if you are already playing a game.) You must type this first to start playing! **@tictactoe help** (or **@ttt help**) will return a help function with valid commands and coordinates. **@tictactoe quit** (or **@ttt quit**) will quit from the current game. **@tictactoe ** (or **@ttt **) will make a move at the entered coordinate. For example, **@ttt 1,1** . After this, the bot will make its move, or declare the game over if the user or bot has won. Coordinates are entered in a (row, column) format. Numbering is from top to bottom and left to right. Here are the coordinates of each position. When entering coordinates, parentheses and spaces are optional. (1, 1) | (1, 2) | (1, 3) (2, 1) | (2, 2) | (2, 3) (3, 1) | (3, 2) | (3, 3) Invalid commands will result in an "I don't understand" response from the bot, with a suggestion to type **@tictactoe help** (or **@ttt help**).