To make all bots consistent add shared function in bot_lib.py to check if this bot is called. All bots respond to at-mention of the bot instead of their specific names.
324 lines
14 KiB
324 lines
14 KiB
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import copy
import random
from six.moves import range
initial_board = [["_", "_", "_"],
["_", "_", "_"],
["_", "_", "_"]]
mode = 'r' # default, can change for debugging to 'p'
def output_mode(string_to_print, mode):
if mode == "p":
elif mode == "r":
return string_to_print
# -------------------------------------
class TicTacToeGame(object):
smarter = True
# If smarter is True, the computer will do some extra thinking - it'll be harder for the user.
triplets = [[(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2)], # Row 1
[(1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2)], # Row 2
[(2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2)], # Row 3
[(0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0)], # Column 1
[(0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1)], # Column 2
[(0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 2)], # Column 3
[(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2)], # Diagonal 1
[(0, 2), (1, 1), (2, 0)] # Diagonal 2
positions = "Coordinates are entered in a (row, column) format. Numbering is from top to bottom and left to right.\n" \
"Here are the coordinates of each position. (Parentheses and spaces are optional.) \n" \
"(1, 1) (1, 2) (1, 3) \n(2, 1) (2, 2) (2, 3) \n(3, 1) (3, 2) (3, 3) \n " \
"Your move would be one of these. To make a move, type @mention-bot " \
"followed by a space and the coordinate."
detailed_help_message = "*Help for Tic-Tac-Toe bot* \n" \
"The bot responds to messages starting with @mention-bot.\n" \
"**@mention-bot new** will start a new game (but not if you're " \
"already in the middle of a game). You must type this first to start playing!\n" \
"**@mention-bot help** will return this help function.\n" \
"**@mention-bot quit** will quit from the current game.\n" \
"**@mention-bot <coordinate>** will make a move at the given coordinate.\n" \
"Coordinates are entered in a (row, column) format. Numbering is from " \
"top to bottom and left to right. \n" \
"Here are the coordinates of each position. (Parentheses and spaces are optional). \n" \
"(1, 1) (1, 2) (1, 3) \n(2, 1) (2, 2) (2, 3) \n(3, 1) (3, 2) (3, 3) \n"
def __init__(self, board):
self.board = board
def display_row(self, row):
''' Takes the row passed in as a list and returns it as a string. '''
row_string = " ".join([e.strip() for e in row])
return("[ {} ]\n".format(row_string))
def display_board(self, board):
''' Takes the board as a nested list and returns a nice version for the user. '''
return "".join([self.display_row(r) for r in board])
def get_value(self, board, position):
return board[position[0]][position[1]]
def board_is_full(self, board):
''' Determines if the board is full or not. '''
full = False
board_state = ""
for row in board:
for element in row:
if element == "_":
board_state += "_"
if "_" not in board_state:
full = True
return full
def win_conditions(self, board, triplets):
''' Returns true if all coordinates in a triplet have the same value in them (x or o) and no coordinates
in the triplet are blank. '''
won = False
for triplet in triplets:
if (self.get_value(board, triplet[0]) == self.get_value(board, triplet[1]) ==
self.get_value(board, triplet[2]) != "_"):
won = True
return won
def get_locations_of_char(self, board, char):
''' Gets the locations of the board that have char in them. '''
locations = []
for row in range(3):
for col in range(3):
if board[row][col] == char:
locations.append([row, col])
return locations
def two_blanks(self, triplet, board):
''' Determines which rows/columns/diagonals have two blank spaces and an 'o' already in them. It's more advantageous
for the computer to move there. This is used when the computer makes its move. '''
o_found = False
for position in triplet:
if self.get_value(board, position) == "o":
o_found = True
blanks_list = []
if o_found:
for position in triplet:
if self.get_value(board, position) == "_":
if len(blanks_list) == 2:
return blanks_list
def computer_move(self, board):
''' The computer's logic for making its move. '''
my_board = copy.deepcopy(board) # First the board is copied; used later on
blank_locations = self.get_locations_of_char(my_board, "_")
x_locations = self.get_locations_of_char(board, "x") # Gets the locations that already have x's
corner_locations = [[0, 0], [0, 2], [2, 0], [2, 2]] # List of the coordinates of the corners of the board
edge_locations = [[1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 1]] # List of the coordinates of the edge spaces of the board
if blank_locations == []: # If no empty spaces are left, the computer can't move anyway, so it just returns the board.
return board
if len(x_locations) == 1: # This is special logic only used on the first move.
# If the user played first in the corner or edge, the computer should move in the center.
if x_locations[0] in corner_locations or x_locations[0] in edge_locations:
board[1][1] = "o"
# If user played first in the center, the computer should move in the corner. It doesn't matter which corner.
location = random.choice(corner_locations)
row = location[0]
col = location[1]
board[row][col] = "o"
return board
# This logic is used on all other moves.
# First I'll check if the computer can win in the next move. If so, that's where the computer will play.
# The check is done by replacing the blank locations with o's and seeing if the computer would win in each case.
for row, col in blank_locations:
my_board[row][col] = "o"
if self.win_conditions(my_board, self.triplets):
board[row][col] = "o"
return board
my_board[row][col] = "_" # Revert if not winning
# If the computer can't immediately win, it wants to make sure the user can't win in their next move, so it
# checks to see if the user needs to be blocked.
# The check is done by replacing the blank locations with x's and seeing if the user would win in each case.
for row, col in blank_locations:
my_board[row][col] = "x"
if self.win_conditions(my_board, self.triplets):
board[row][col] = "o"
return board
my_board[row][col] = "_" # Revert if not winning
# Assuming nobody will win in their next move, now I'll find the best place for the computer to win.
for row, col in blank_locations:
if ('x' not in my_board[row] and my_board[0][col] != 'x' and my_board[1][col] !=
'x' and my_board[2][col] != 'x'):
board[row][col] = 'o'
return board
# If no move has been made, choose a random blank location. If smarter is True, the computer will choose a
# random blank location from a set of better locations to play. These locations are determined by seeing if
# there are two blanks and an 'o' in each row, column, and diagonal (done in two_blanks).
# If smarter is False, all blank locations can be chosen.
if self.smarter:
blanks = []
for triplet in self.triplets:
result = self.two_blanks(triplet, board)
if result:
blanks = blanks + result
blank_set = set(blanks)
blank_list = list(blank_set)
if blank_list == []:
location = random.choice(blank_locations)
location = random.choice(blank_list)
row = location[0]
col = location[1]
board[row][col] = 'o'
return board
location = random.choice(blank_locations)
row = location[0]
col = location[1]
board[row][col] = 'o'
return board
def check_validity(self, move):
''' Checks the validity of the coordinate input passed in to make sure it's not out-of-bounds (ex. 5, 5) '''
split_move = move.split(",")
row = split_move[0].strip()
col = split_move[1].strip()
valid = False
if row == "1" or row == "2" or row == "3":
if col == "1" or col == "2" or col == "3":
valid = True
except IndexError:
valid = False
return valid
def sanitize_move(self, move):
''' As there are various ways to input a coordinate (with/without parentheses, with/without spaces, etc.) the
input is stripped to just the numbers before being used in the program. '''
move = move.replace("(", "")
move = move.replace(")", "")
move = move.strip()
return move
def tictactoe(self, board, input_string):
return_string = ""
move = self.sanitize_move(input_string)
# Subtraction must be done to convert to the right indices, since computers start numbering at 0.
row = (int(move[0])) - 1
column = (int(move[-1])) - 1
if board[row][column] != "_":
return_string += output_mode("That space is already filled, sorry!", mode)
return return_string
board[row][column] = "x"
return_string += self.display_board(board)
# Check to see if the user won/drew after they made their move. If not, it's the computer's turn.
if self.win_conditions(board, self.triplets):
return_string += output_mode("Game over! You've won!", mode)
return return_string
if self.board_is_full(board):
return_string += output_mode("It's a draw! Neither of us was able to win.", mode)
return return_string
return_string += output_mode("My turn:\n", mode)
return_string += self.display_board(board)
# Checks to see if the computer won after it makes its move. (The computer can't draw, so there's no point
# in checking.) If the computer didn't win, the user gets another turn.
if self.win_conditions(board, self.triplets):
return_string += output_mode("Game over! I've won!", mode)
return return_string
return_string += output_mode("Your turn! Enter a coordinate or type help.", mode)
return return_string
# -------------------------------------
flat_initial = sum(initial_board, [])
def first_time(board):
flat = sum(board, [])
return flat == flat_initial
class ticTacToeHandler(object):
You can play tic-tac-toe in a private message with
tic-tac-toe bot! Make sure your message starts with
def usage(self):
return '''
You can play tic-tac-toe with the computer now! Make sure your
message starts with @mention-bot.
def handle_message(self, message, client, state_handler):
command_list = message['content']
command = ""
for val in command_list:
command += val
original_sender = message['sender_email']
mydict = state_handler.get_state()
if not mydict:
mydict = state_handler.get_state()
user_game = mydict.get(original_sender)
if (not user_game) and command == "new":
user_game = TicTacToeGame(copy.deepcopy(initial_board))
mydict[original_sender] = user_game
if command == 'new':
if user_game and not first_time(user_game.board):
return_content = "You're already playing a game! Type **@tictactoe help** or **@ttt help** to see valid inputs."
return_content = "Welcome to tic-tac-toe! You'll be x's and I'll be o's. Your move first!\n"
return_content += TicTacToeGame.positions
elif command == 'help':
return_content = TicTacToeGame.detailed_help_message
elif (user_game) and TicTacToeGame.check_validity(user_game, TicTacToeGame.sanitize_move(user_game, command)):
user_board = user_game.board
return_content = TicTacToeGame.tictactoe(user_game, user_board, command)
elif (user_game) and command == 'quit':
del mydict[original_sender]
return_content = "You've successfully quit the game."
return_content = "Hmm, I didn't understand your input. Type **@tictactoe help** or **@ttt help** to see valid inputs."
if "Game over" in return_content or "draw" in return_content:
del mydict[original_sender]
type = 'private',
to = original_sender,
subject = message['sender_email'],
content = return_content,
handler_class = ticTacToeHandler