Generated by com2ann (slightly patched to avoid also converting assignment type annotations, which require Python 3.6), followed by some manual whitespace adjustment, and two fixes for use-before-define issues: - def set_zulip_client(self, zulipToJabberClient: ZulipToJabberBot) -> None: + def set_zulip_client(self, zulipToJabberClient: 'ZulipToJabberBot') -> None: -def init_from_options(options: Any, client: Optional[str] = None) -> Client: +def init_from_options(options: Any, client: Optional[str] = None) -> 'Client': Signed-off-by: Anders Kaseorg <anders@zulipchat.com>
170 lines
6.7 KiB
170 lines
6.7 KiB
from .matrix_bridge import (
from unittest import TestCase, mock
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import os
import shutil
from contextlib import contextmanager
from tempfile import mkdtemp
script_file = "matrix_bridge.py"
script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
script = os.path.join(script_dir, script_file)
from typing import List, Iterator
sample_config_path = "matrix_test.conf"
sample_config_text = """[matrix]
host = https://matrix.org
username = username
password = password
room_id = #zulip:matrix.org
email = glitch-bot@chat.zulip.org
api_key = aPiKeY
site = https://chat.zulip.org
stream = test here
topic = matrix
def new_temp_dir() -> Iterator[str]:
path = mkdtemp()
yield path
class MatrixBridgeScriptTests(TestCase):
def output_from_script(self, options: List[str]) -> List[str]:
popen = Popen(["python", script] + options, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
return popen.communicate()[0].strip().split("\n")
def test_no_args(self) -> None:
output_lines = self.output_from_script([])
expected_lines = [
"Options required: -c or --config to run, OR --write-sample-config.",
"usage: {} [-h]".format(script_file)
for expected, output in zip(expected_lines, output_lines):
self.assertIn(expected, output)
def test_help_usage_and_description(self) -> None:
output_lines = self.output_from_script(["-h"])
usage = "usage: {} [-h]".format(script_file)
description = "Script to bridge"
self.assertIn(usage, output_lines[0])
blank_lines = [num for num, line in enumerate(output_lines) if line == '']
# There should be blank lines in the output
# There should be finite output
self.assertTrue(len(output_lines) > blank_lines[0])
# Minimal description should be in the first line of the 2nd "paragraph"
self.assertIn(description, output_lines[blank_lines[0] + 1])
def test_write_sample_config(self) -> None:
with new_temp_dir() as tempdir:
path = os.path.join(tempdir, sample_config_path)
output_lines = self.output_from_script(["--write-sample-config", path])
self.assertEqual(output_lines, ["Wrote sample configuration to '{}'".format(path)])
with open(path) as sample_file:
self.assertEqual(sample_file.read(), sample_config_text)
def test_write_sample_config_from_zuliprc(self) -> None:
zuliprc_template = ["[api]", "email={email}", "key={key}", "site={site}"]
zulip_params = {'email': 'foo@bar',
'key': 'some_api_key',
'site': 'https://some.chat.serverplace'}
with new_temp_dir() as tempdir:
path = os.path.join(tempdir, sample_config_path)
zuliprc_path = os.path.join(tempdir, "zuliprc")
with open(zuliprc_path, "w") as zuliprc_file:
output_lines = self.output_from_script(["--write-sample-config", path,
"--from-zuliprc", zuliprc_path])
["Wrote sample configuration to '{}' using zuliprc file '{}'"
.format(path, zuliprc_path)])
with open(path) as sample_file:
sample_lines = [line.strip() for line in sample_file.readlines()]
expected_lines = sample_config_text.split("\n")
expected_lines[7] = 'email = {}'.format(zulip_params['email'])
expected_lines[8] = 'api_key = {}'.format(zulip_params['key'])
expected_lines[9] = 'site = {}'.format(zulip_params['site'])
self.assertEqual(sample_lines, expected_lines[:-1])
def test_detect_zuliprc_does_not_exist(self) -> None:
with new_temp_dir() as tempdir:
path = os.path.join(tempdir, sample_config_path)
zuliprc_path = os.path.join(tempdir, "zuliprc")
# No writing of zuliprc file here -> triggers check for zuliprc absence
output_lines = self.output_from_script(["--write-sample-config", path,
"--from-zuliprc", zuliprc_path])
["Could not write sample config: Zuliprc file '{}' does not exist."
class MatrixBridgeZulipToMatrixTests(TestCase):
valid_zulip_config = dict(
stream="some stream",
topic="some topic",
valid_msg = dict(
sender_email="John@Smith.smith", # must not be equal to config:email
type="stream", # Can only mirror Zulip streams
def test_zulip_message_validity_success(self) -> None:
zulip_config = self.valid_zulip_config
msg = self.valid_msg
# Ensure the test inputs are valid for success
assert msg['sender_email'] != zulip_config['email']
self.assertTrue(check_zulip_message_validity(msg, zulip_config))
def test_zulip_message_validity_failure(self) -> None:
zulip_config = self.valid_zulip_config
msg_wrong_stream = dict(self.valid_msg, display_recipient='foo')
self.assertFalse(check_zulip_message_validity(msg_wrong_stream, zulip_config))
msg_wrong_topic = dict(self.valid_msg, subject='foo')
self.assertFalse(check_zulip_message_validity(msg_wrong_topic, zulip_config))
msg_not_stream = dict(self.valid_msg, type="private")
self.assertFalse(check_zulip_message_validity(msg_not_stream, zulip_config))
msg_from_bot = dict(self.valid_msg, sender_email=zulip_config['email'])
self.assertFalse(check_zulip_message_validity(msg_from_bot, zulip_config))
def test_zulip_to_matrix(self) -> None:
room = mock.MagicMock()
zulip_config = self.valid_zulip_config
send_msg = zulip_to_matrix(zulip_config, room)
msg = dict(self.valid_msg, sender_full_name="John Smith")
expected = {
'hi': '{} hi',
'*hi*': '{} *hi*',
'**hi**': '{} **hi**',
for content in expected:
send_msg(dict(msg, content=content))
for (method, params, _), expect in zip(room.method_calls, expected.values()):
self.assertEqual(method, 'send_text')
self.assertEqual(params[0], expect.format('<JohnSmith>'))