Since the botserver can be run directly after installation via pip, and only supports Python 3, we definitely want the explicit shebang lines there. We only don't want this in zulip/, which supports Python 2+3.
270 lines
12 KiB
270 lines
12 KiB
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import re
import traceback
from server_lib.printer import print_err, colors
from typing import cast, Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
def build_custom_checkers(by_lang):
# type: (Dict[str, List[str]]) -> Tuple[Callable[[], bool], Callable[[], bool]]
RuleList = List[Dict[str, Any]]
def custom_check_file(fn, identifier, rules, skip_rules=None, max_length=None):
# type: (str, str, RuleList, Optional[Any], Optional[int]) -> bool
failed = False
color = next(colors)
line_tups = []
for i, line in enumerate(open(fn)):
line_newline_stripped = line.strip('\n')
line_fully_stripped = line_newline_stripped.strip()
skip = False
for rule in skip_rules or []:
if re.match(rule, line):
skip = True
if line_fully_stripped.endswith(' # nolint'):
if skip:
tup = (i, line, line_newline_stripped, line_fully_stripped)
rules_to_apply = []
fn_dirname = os.path.dirname(fn)
for rule in rules:
exclude_list = rule.get('exclude', set())
if fn in exclude_list or fn_dirname in exclude_list:
if rule.get("include_only"):
found = False
for item in rule.get("include_only", set()):
if item in fn:
found = True
if not found:
for rule in rules_to_apply:
exclude_lines = {
line for
(exclude_fn, line) in rule.get('exclude_line', set())
if exclude_fn == fn
pattern = rule['pattern']
for (i, line, line_newline_stripped, line_fully_stripped) in line_tups:
if line_fully_stripped in exclude_lines:
line_to_check = line_fully_stripped
if rule.get('strip') is not None:
if rule['strip'] == '\n':
line_to_check = line_newline_stripped
raise Exception("Invalid strip rule")
if re.search(pattern, line_to_check):
print_err(identifier, color, '{} at {} line {}:'.format(
rule['description'], fn, i+1))
print_err(identifier, color, line)
failed = True
except Exception:
print("Exception with %s at %s line %s" % (rule['pattern'], fn, i+1))
if exclude_lines:
print('Please remove exclusions for file %s: %s' % (fn, exclude_lines))
lastLine = None
for (i, line, line_newline_stripped, line_fully_stripped) in line_tups:
if isinstance(line, bytes):
line_length = len(line.decode("utf-8"))
line_length = len(line)
if (max_length is not None and line_length > max_length and
'# type' not in line and 'test' not in fn and 'example' not in fn and
not re.match("\[[ A-Za-z0-9_:,&()-]*\]: http.*", line) and
not re.match("`\{\{ external_api_uri_subdomain \}\}[^`]+`", line) and
"#ignorelongline" not in line and 'migrations' not in fn):
print("Line too long (%s) at %s line %s: %s" % (len(line), fn, i+1, line_newline_stripped))
failed = True
lastLine = line
if lastLine and ('\n' not in lastLine):
print("No newline at the end of file. Fix with `sed -i '$a\\' %s`" % (fn,))
failed = True
return failed
whitespace_rules = [
# This linter should be first since bash_rules depends on it.
{'pattern': '\s+$',
'strip': '\n',
'description': 'Fix trailing whitespace'},
{'pattern': '\t',
'strip': '\n',
'description': 'Fix tab-based whitespace'},
] # type: RuleList
markdown_whitespace_rules = list([rule for rule in whitespace_rules if rule['pattern'] != '\s+$']) + [
# Two spaces trailing a line with other content is okay--it's a markdown line break.
# This rule finds one space trailing a non-space, three or more trailing spaces, and
# spaces on an empty line.
{'pattern': '((?<!\s)\s$)|(\s\s\s+$)|(^\s+$)',
'strip': '\n',
'description': 'Fix trailing whitespace'},
{'pattern': '^#+[A-Za-z0-9]',
'strip': '\n',
'description': 'Missing space after # in heading'},
] # type: RuleList
python_rules = cast(RuleList, [
{'pattern': '".*"%\([a-z_].*\)?$',
'description': 'Missing space around "%"'},
{'pattern': "'.*'%\([a-z_].*\)?$",
'description': 'Missing space around "%"'},
# This rule is constructed with + to avoid triggering on itself
{'pattern': " =" + '[^ =>~"]',
'description': 'Missing whitespace after "="'},
{'pattern': '":\w[^"]*$',
'description': 'Missing whitespace after ":"'},
{'pattern': "':\w[^']*$",
'description': 'Missing whitespace after ":"'},
{'pattern': "^\s+[#]\w",
'strip': '\n',
'description': 'Missing whitespace after "#"'},
{'pattern': "assertEquals[(]",
'description': 'Use assertEqual, not assertEquals (which is deprecated).'},
{'pattern': 'self: Any',
'description': 'you can omit Any annotation for self',
'good_lines': ['def foo (self):'],
'bad_lines': ['def foo(self: Any):']},
{'pattern': "== None",
'description': 'Use `is None` to check whether something is None'},
{'pattern': "type:[(]",
'description': 'Missing whitespace after ":" in type annotation'},
{'pattern': "# type [(]",
'description': 'Missing : after type in type annotation'},
{'pattern': "#type",
'description': 'Missing whitespace after "#" in type annotation'},
{'pattern': 'if[(]',
'description': 'Missing space between if and ('},
{'pattern': ", [)]",
'description': 'Unnecessary whitespace between "," and ")"'},
{'pattern': "% [(]",
'description': 'Unnecessary whitespace between "%" and "("'},
# This next check could have false positives, but it seems pretty
# rare; if we find any, they can be added to the exclude list for
# this rule.
{'pattern': ' % [a-zA-Z0-9_.]*\)?$',
'description': 'Used % comprehension without a tuple'},
{'pattern': '.*%s.* % \([a-zA-Z0-9_.]*\)$',
'description': 'Used % comprehension without a tuple'},
# This rule might give false positives in virtualenv setup files which should be excluded,
# and comments which should be rewritten to avoid use of "python2", "python3", etc.
{'pattern': 'python[23]',
'include_only': set(['zulip/']),
'description': 'Explicit python invocations should not include a version'},
{'pattern': '__future__',
'include_only': set(['zulip_bots/zulip_bots/bots/']),
'description': 'Bots no longer need __future__ imports.'},
{'pattern': '#!/usr/bin/env python$',
'include_only': set(['zulip_bots/']),
'description': 'Python shebangs must be python3'},
{'pattern': '(^|\s)open\s*\(',
'description': 'open() should not be used in Zulip\'s bots. Use functions'
' provided by the bots framework to access the filesystem.',
'include_only': set(['zulip_bots/zulip_bots/bots/'])},
{'pattern': 'pprint',
'description': 'Used pprint, which is most likely a debugging leftover. For user output, use print().'},
{'pattern': '\(BotTestCase\)',
'bad_lines': ['class TestSomeBot(BotTestCase):'],
'description': 'Bot test cases should directly inherit from BotTestCase *and* DefaultTests.'},
{'pattern': '\(DefaultTests, BotTestCase\)',
'bad_lines': ['class TestSomeBot(DefaultTests, BotTestCase):'],
'good_lines': ['class TestSomeBot(BotTestCase, DefaultTests):'],
'description': 'Bot test cases should inherit from BotTestCase before DefaultTests.'},
]) + whitespace_rules
bash_rules = [
{'pattern': '#!.*sh [-xe]',
'description': 'Fix shebang line with proper call to /usr/bin/env for Bash path, change -x|-e switches'
' to set -x|set -e'},
] + whitespace_rules[0:1] # type: RuleList
prose_style_rules = [
{'pattern': '[^\/\#\-\"]([jJ]avascript)', # exclude usage in hrefs/divs
'description': "javascript should be spelled JavaScript"},
{'pattern': '[^\/\-\.\"\'\_\=\>]([gG]ithub)[^\.\-\_\"\<]', # exclude usage in hrefs/divs
'description': "github should be spelled GitHub"},
{'pattern': '[oO]rganisation', # exclude usage in hrefs/divs
'description': "Organization is spelled with a z"},
{'pattern': '!!! warning',
'description': "!!! warning is invalid; it's spelled '!!! warn'"},
{'pattern': '[^-_]botserver(?!rc)|bot server',
'description': "Use Botserver instead of botserver or Botserver."},
] # type: RuleList
json_rules = [] # type: RuleList # fix newlines at ends of files
# It is okay that json_rules is empty, because the empty list
# ensures we'll still check JSON files for whitespace.
markdown_rules = markdown_whitespace_rules + prose_style_rules + [
{'pattern': '\[(?P<url>[^\]]+)\]\((?P=url)\)',
'description': 'Linkified markdown URLs should use cleaner <http://example.com> syntax.'}
help_markdown_rules = markdown_rules + [
{'pattern': '[a-z][.][A-Z]',
'description': "Likely missing space after end of sentence"},
{'pattern': '[rR]ealm',
'description': "Realms are referred to as Organizations in user-facing docs."},
txt_rules = whitespace_rules
def check_custom_checks_py():
# type: () -> bool
failed = False
for fn in by_lang['py']:
if 'custom_check.py' in fn:
if custom_check_file(fn, 'py', python_rules, max_length=140):
failed = True
return failed
def check_custom_checks_nonpy():
# type: () -> bool
failed = False
for fn in by_lang['sh']:
if custom_check_file(fn, 'sh', bash_rules):
failed = True
for fn in by_lang['json']:
if custom_check_file(fn, 'json', json_rules):
failed = True
markdown_docs_length_exclude = {
for fn in by_lang['md']:
max_length = None
if fn not in markdown_docs_length_exclude:
max_length = 120
rules = markdown_rules
if fn.startswith("templates/zerver/help"):
rules = help_markdown_rules
if custom_check_file(fn, 'md', rules, max_length=max_length):
failed = True
for fn in by_lang['txt'] + by_lang['text']:
if custom_check_file(fn, 'txt', txt_rules):
failed = True
for fn in by_lang['yaml']:
if custom_check_file(fn, 'yaml', txt_rules):
failed = True
return failed
return (check_custom_checks_py, check_custom_checks_nonpy)