Several of our bots haven't been converted to have mock responses for third-party APIs yet, and we may want that code path for with-network testing anyway.
131 lines
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131 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import unittest
import logging
import requests
import mock
from mock import MagicMock, patch
from run import get_lib_module
from bot_lib import StateHandler
from bots_api import bot_lib
from six.moves import zip
from unittest import TestCase
from typing import List, Dict, Any, Optional
from types import ModuleType
current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
class BotTestCase(TestCase):
bot_name = '' # type: str
def check_expected_responses(self, expectations, expected_method='send_reply',
email="foo_sender@zulip.com", recipient="foo", subject="foo",
type="all", http_request=None, http_response=None):
# type: (Dict[str, Any], str, str, str, str, str, Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]) -> None
# To test send_message, Any would be a Dict type,
# to test send_reply, Any would be a str type.
if type not in ["private", "stream", "all"]:
logging.exception("check_expected_response expects type to be 'private', 'stream' or 'all'")
for m, r in expectations.items():
if type != "stream":
messages={'content': m, 'type': "private", 'display_recipient': recipient,
'sender_email': email}, bot_response=r, expected_method=expected_method,
http_request=http_request, http_response=http_response)
if type != "private":
messages={'content': m, 'type': "stream", 'display_recipient': recipient,
'subject': subject, 'sender_email': email}, bot_response=r,
expected_method=expected_method, http_request=http_request, http_response=http_response)
def mock_test(self, messages, bot_response, expected_method,
http_request=None, http_response=None):
# type: (Dict[str, str], Any, str, Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]) -> None
if expected_method == "send_message":
# Since send_message function uses bot_response of type Dict, no
# further changes required.
self.assert_bot_output(messages=[messages], bot_response=[bot_response], expected_method=expected_method,
http_request=http_request, http_response=http_response)
# Since send_reply function uses bot_response of type str, we
# do convert the str type to a Dict type to have the same assert_bot_output function.
bot_response_type_dict = {'content': bot_response}
self.assert_bot_output(messages=[messages], bot_response=[bot_response_type_dict], expected_method=expected_method,
http_request=http_request, http_response=http_response)
def get_bot_message_handler(self):
# type: () -> Any
# message_handler is of type 'Any', since it can contain any bot's
# handler class. Eventually, we want bot's handler classes to
# inherit from a common prototype specifying the handle_message
# function.
bot_module = os.path.join(current_dir, "bots",
self.bot_name, self.bot_name + ".py")
message_handler = self.bot_to_run(bot_module)
return message_handler
def call_request(self, message_handler, message, expected_method,
MockClass, response):
# type: (Any, Dict[str, Any], str, Any, Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> None
# Send message to the concerned bot
message_handler.handle_message(message, MockClass(), StateHandler())
# Check if the bot is sending a message via `send_message` function.
# Where response is a dictionary here.
instance = MockClass.return_value
if expected_method == "send_message":
instance.send_reply.assert_called_with(message, response['content'])
def assert_bot_output(self, messages, bot_response, expected_method,
http_request=None, http_response=None):
# type: (List[Dict[str, Any]], List[Dict[str, str]], str, Optional[Dict[str, Any]], Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> None
message_handler = self.get_bot_message_handler()
# Mocking BotHandlerApi
with patch('bots_api.bot_lib.BotHandlerApi') as MockClass:
for (message, response) in zip(messages, bot_response):
# If not mock http_request/http_response are provided,
# just call the request normally (potentially using
# the Internet)
if http_response is None:
assert http_request is None
self.call_request(message_handler, message, expected_method,
MockClass, response)
# Otherwise, we mock requests, and verify that the bot
# made the correct HTTP request to the third-party API
# (and provide the correct third-party API response.
# This allows us to test things that would require the
# Internet without it).
assert http_request is not None
with patch('requests.get') as mock_get:
mock_result = mock.MagicMock()
mock_result.json.return_value = http_response
mock_result.ok.return_value = True
mock_get.return_value = mock_result
self.call_request(message_handler, message, expected_method,
MockClass, response)
# Check if the bot is sending the correct http_request corresponding
# to the given http_response.
if http_request is not None:
def bot_to_run(self, bot_module):
# Returning Any, same argument as in get_bot_message_handler function.
# type: (str) -> Any
lib_module = get_lib_module(bot_module)
message_handler = lib_module.handler_class()
return message_handler