This also turns off the custom lint check that was preventing an explicit version for scripts in "tools". Fixes #187
261 lines
11 KiB
261 lines
11 KiB
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import re
import traceback
from server_lib.printer import print_err, colors
from typing import cast, Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
def build_custom_checkers(by_lang):
# type: (Dict[str, List[str]]) -> Tuple[Callable[[], bool], Callable[[], bool]]
RuleList = List[Dict[str, Any]]
def custom_check_file(fn, identifier, rules, skip_rules=None, max_length=None):
# type: (str, str, RuleList, Optional[Any], Optional[int]) -> bool
failed = False
color = next(colors)
line_tups = []
for i, line in enumerate(open(fn)):
line_newline_stripped = line.strip('\n')
line_fully_stripped = line_newline_stripped.strip()
skip = False
for rule in skip_rules or []:
if re.match(rule, line):
skip = True
if line_fully_stripped.endswith(' # nolint'):
if skip:
tup = (i, line, line_newline_stripped, line_fully_stripped)
rules_to_apply = []
fn_dirname = os.path.dirname(fn)
for rule in rules:
exclude_list = rule.get('exclude', set())
if fn in exclude_list or fn_dirname in exclude_list:
if rule.get("include_only"):
found = False
for item in rule.get("include_only", set()):
if item in fn:
found = True
if not found:
for rule in rules_to_apply:
exclude_lines = {
line for
(exclude_fn, line) in rule.get('exclude_line', set())
if exclude_fn == fn
pattern = rule['pattern']
for (i, line, line_newline_stripped, line_fully_stripped) in line_tups:
if line_fully_stripped in exclude_lines:
line_to_check = line_fully_stripped
if rule.get('strip') is not None:
if rule['strip'] == '\n':
line_to_check = line_newline_stripped
raise Exception("Invalid strip rule")
if re.search(pattern, line_to_check):
print_err(identifier, color, '{} at {} line {}:'.format(
rule['description'], fn, i+1))
print_err(identifier, color, line)
failed = True
except Exception:
print("Exception with %s at %s line %s" % (rule['pattern'], fn, i+1))
if exclude_lines:
print('Please remove exclusions for file %s: %s' % (fn, exclude_lines))
lastLine = None
for (i, line, line_newline_stripped, line_fully_stripped) in line_tups:
if isinstance(line, bytes):
line_length = len(line.decode("utf-8"))
line_length = len(line)
if (max_length is not None and line_length > max_length and
'# type' not in line and 'test' not in fn and 'example' not in fn and
not re.match("\[[ A-Za-z0-9_:,&()-]*\]: http.*", line) and
not re.match("`\{\{ external_api_uri_subdomain \}\}[^`]+`", line) and
"#ignorelongline" not in line and 'migrations' not in fn):
print("Line too long (%s) at %s line %s: %s" % (len(line), fn, i+1, line_newline_stripped))
failed = True
lastLine = line
if lastLine and ('\n' not in lastLine):
print("No newline at the end of file. Fix with `sed -i '$a\\' %s`" % (fn,))
failed = True
return failed
whitespace_rules = [
# This linter should be first since bash_rules depends on it.
{'pattern': '\s+$',
'strip': '\n',
'description': 'Fix trailing whitespace'},
{'pattern': '\t',
'strip': '\n',
'description': 'Fix tab-based whitespace'},
] # type: RuleList
markdown_whitespace_rules = list([rule for rule in whitespace_rules if rule['pattern'] != '\s+$']) + [
# Two spaces trailing a line with other content is okay--it's a markdown line break.
# This rule finds one space trailing a non-space, three or more trailing spaces, and
# spaces on an empty line.
{'pattern': '((?<!\s)\s$)|(\s\s\s+$)|(^\s+$)',
'strip': '\n',
'description': 'Fix trailing whitespace'},
{'pattern': '^#+[A-Za-z0-9]',
'strip': '\n',
'description': 'Missing space after # in heading'},
] # type: RuleList
python_rules = cast(RuleList, [
{'pattern': '".*"%\([a-z_].*\)?$',
'description': 'Missing space around "%"'},
{'pattern': "'.*'%\([a-z_].*\)?$",
'description': 'Missing space around "%"'},
# This rule is constructed with + to avoid triggering on itself
{'pattern': " =" + '[^ =>~"]',
'description': 'Missing whitespace after "="'},
{'pattern': '":\w[^"]*$',
'description': 'Missing whitespace after ":"'},
{'pattern': "':\w[^']*$",
'description': 'Missing whitespace after ":"'},
{'pattern': "^\s+[#]\w",
'strip': '\n',
'description': 'Missing whitespace after "#"'},
{'pattern': "assertEquals[(]",
'description': 'Use assertEqual, not assertEquals (which is deprecated).'},
{'pattern': 'self: Any',
'description': 'you can omit Any annotation for self',
'good_lines': ['def foo (self):'],
'bad_lines': ['def foo(self: Any):']},
{'pattern': "== None",
'description': 'Use `is None` to check whether something is None'},
{'pattern': "type:[(]",
'description': 'Missing whitespace after ":" in type annotation'},
{'pattern': "# type [(]",
'description': 'Missing : after type in type annotation'},
{'pattern': "#type",
'description': 'Missing whitespace after "#" in type annotation'},
{'pattern': 'if[(]',
'description': 'Missing space between if and ('},
{'pattern': ", [)]",
'description': 'Unnecessary whitespace between "," and ")"'},
{'pattern': "% [(]",
'description': 'Unnecessary whitespace between "%" and "("'},
# This next check could have false positives, but it seems pretty
# rare; if we find any, they can be added to the exclude list for
# this rule.
{'pattern': ' % [a-zA-Z0-9_.]*\)?$',
'description': 'Used % comprehension without a tuple'},
{'pattern': '.*%s.* % \([a-zA-Z0-9_.]*\)$',
'description': 'Used % comprehension without a tuple'},
# This rule might give false positives in virtualenv setup files which should be excluded,
# and comments which should be rewritten to avoid use of "python2", "python3", etc.
{'pattern': 'python[23]',
'include_only': set(['zulip/', 'zulip_botserver/']),
'description': 'Explicit python invocations should not include a version'},
{'pattern': '__future__',
'include_only': set(['zulip_bots/zulip_bots/bots/']),
'description': 'Bots no longer need __future__ imports.'},
{'pattern': '#!/usr/bin/env python$',
'include_only': set(['zulip_bots/']),
'description': 'Python shebangs must be python3'},
{'pattern': '(^|\s)open\s*\(',
'description': 'open() should not be used in Zulip\'s bots. Use functions'
' provided by the bots framework to access the filesystem.',
'include_only': set(['zulip_bots/zulip_bots/bots/'])},
{'pattern': 'pprint',
'description': 'Used pprint, which is most likely a debugging leftover. For user output, use print().'}
]) + whitespace_rules
bash_rules = [
{'pattern': '#!.*sh [-xe]',
'description': 'Fix shebang line with proper call to /usr/bin/env for Bash path, change -x|-e switches'
' to set -x|set -e'},
] + whitespace_rules[0:1] # type: RuleList
prose_style_rules = [
{'pattern': '[^\/\#\-\"]([jJ]avascript)', # exclude usage in hrefs/divs
'description': "javascript should be spelled JavaScript"},
{'pattern': '[^\/\-\.\"\'\_\=\>]([gG]ithub)[^\.\-\_\"\<]', # exclude usage in hrefs/divs
'description': "github should be spelled GitHub"},
{'pattern': '[oO]rganisation', # exclude usage in hrefs/divs
'description': "Organization is spelled with a z"},
{'pattern': '!!! warning',
'description': "!!! warning is invalid; it's spelled '!!! warn'"},
] # type: RuleList
json_rules = [] # type: RuleList # fix newlines at ends of files
# It is okay that json_rules is empty, because the empty list
# ensures we'll still check JSON files for whitespace.
markdown_rules = markdown_whitespace_rules + prose_style_rules + [
{'pattern': '\[(?P<url>[^\]]+)\]\((?P=url)\)',
'description': 'Linkified markdown URLs should use cleaner <http://example.com> syntax.'}
help_markdown_rules = markdown_rules + [
{'pattern': '[a-z][.][A-Z]',
'description': "Likely missing space after end of sentence"},
{'pattern': '[rR]ealm',
'description': "Realms are referred to as Organizations in user-facing docs."},
txt_rules = whitespace_rules
def check_custom_checks_py():
# type: () -> bool
failed = False
for fn in by_lang['py']:
if 'custom_check.py' in fn:
if custom_check_file(fn, 'py', python_rules, max_length=140):
failed = True
return failed
def check_custom_checks_nonpy():
# type: () -> bool
failed = False
for fn in by_lang['sh']:
if custom_check_file(fn, 'sh', bash_rules):
failed = True
for fn in by_lang['json']:
if custom_check_file(fn, 'json', json_rules):
failed = True
markdown_docs_length_exclude = {
for fn in by_lang['md']:
max_length = None
if fn not in markdown_docs_length_exclude:
max_length = 120
rules = markdown_rules
if fn.startswith("templates/zerver/help"):
rules = help_markdown_rules
if custom_check_file(fn, 'md', rules, max_length=max_length):
failed = True
for fn in by_lang['txt'] + by_lang['text']:
if custom_check_file(fn, 'txt', txt_rules):
failed = True
for fn in by_lang['yaml']:
if custom_check_file(fn, 'yaml', txt_rules):
failed = True
return failed
return (check_custom_checks_py, check_custom_checks_nonpy)