2017-06-19 07:11:08 -04:00

221 lines
8.7 KiB

from __future__ import print_function
import datetime as dt
import requests
class CommuteHandler(object):
This plugin provides information regarding commuting
from an origin to a destination, providing a multitude of information.
It looks for messages starting with @mention of the bot.
def initialize(self, bot_handler):
self.api_key = bot_handler.get_config_info('commute', '')['api_key']
def usage(self):
return '''
This plugin will allow briefings of estimated travel times,
distances and fare information for transit travel.
It can vary outputs depending on traffic conditions, departure and
arrival times as well as user preferences
(toll avoidance, preference for bus travel, etc.).
It looks for messages starting with @mention of the bot.
Users should input an origin and a destination
in any stream or through private messages to the bot to receive a
response in the same stream or through private messages if the
input was originally private.
Sample input:
@mention-botname origins=Chicago,IL,USA destinations=New+York,NY,USA
@mention-botname help
help_info = '''
Obligatory Inputs:
Origin e.g. origins=New+York,NY,USA
Destination e.g. destinations=Chicago,IL,USA
Optional Inputs:
Mode Of Transport (inputs: driving, walking, bicycling, transit)
Default mode (no mode input) is driving
e.g. mode=driving or mode=transit
Units (metric or imperial)
e.g. units=metric
Restrictions (inputs: tolls, highways, ferries, indoor)
e.g. avoid=tolls
Departure Time (inputs: now or (YYYY, MM, DD, HH, MM, SS) departing)
e.g. departure_time=now or departure_time=2016,12,17,23,40,40
Arrival Time (inputs: (YYYY, MM, DD, HH, MM, SS) arriving)
e.g. arrival_time=2016,12,17,23,40,40
Languages list:
e.g. language=fr
Sample request:
@mention-botname origins=Chicago,IL,USA destinations=New+York,NY,USA language=fr
Please note:
Fare information can be derived, though is solely dependent on the
availability of the information
python bots/followup/ --config-file ~/.zuliprc-local
released by public transport operators.
Duration in traffic can only be derived if a departure time is set.
If a location has spaces in its name, please use a + symbol in the
place of the space/s.
A departure time and a arrival time can not be inputted at the same time
To add more than 1 input for a category,
e.g. more than 1 destinations,
use (|), e.g. destinations=Empire+State+Building|Statue+Of+Liberty
No spaces within addresses.
Departure times and arrival times must be in the UTC timezone,
you can use the timezone bot.
# determines if bot will respond as a private message/ stream message
def send_info(self, message, letter, bot_handler):
bot_handler.send_reply(message, letter)
def calculate_seconds(self, time_str):
times = time_str.split(',')
times = [int(x) for x in times]
# UNIX time from January 1, 1970 00:00:00
unix_start_date = dt.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
requested_time = dt.datetime(*times)
total_seconds = str(int((requested_time-unix_start_date)
return total_seconds
# adds departure time and arrival time paramaters into HTTP request
def add_time_to_params(self, params):
# limited to UTC timezone because of difficulty with user inputting
# correct string for input
if 'departure_time' in params:
if 'departure_time' != 'now':
params['departure_time'] = self.calculate_seconds(params['departure_time'])
elif 'arrival_time' in params:
params['arrival_time'] = self.calculate_seconds(params['arrival_time'])
# gets content for output and sends it to user
def get_send_content(self, rjson, params, message, bot_handler):
# JSON list of output variables
variable_list = rjson["rows"][0]["elements"][0]
# determines if user has valid inputs
not_found = (variable_list["status"] == "NOT_FOUND")
invalid_request = (rjson["status"] == "INVALID_REQUEST")
no_result = (variable_list["status"] == "ZERO_RESULTS")
if no_result:
"Zero results\nIf stuck, try '@commute help'.",
elif not_found or invalid_request:
raise IndexError
except IndexError:
"Invalid input, please see instructions."
"\nIf stuck, try '@commute help'.", bot_handler)
# origin and destination strings
begin = 'From: ' + rjson["origin_addresses"][0]
end = 'To: ' + rjson["destination_addresses"][0]
distance = 'Distance: ' + variable_list["distance"]["text"]
duration = 'Duration: ' + variable_list["duration"]["text"]
output = begin + '\n' + end + '\n' + distance
# if user doesn't know that default mode is driving
if 'mode' not in params:
mode = 'Mode of Transport: Driving'
output += '\n' + mode
# determines if fare information is available
fare = ('Fare: ' + variable_list["fare"]["currency"] +
output += '\n' + fare
except (KeyError, IndexError):
# determines if traffic duration information is available
traffic_duration = ('Duration in traffic: ' +
output += '\n' + traffic_duration
except (KeyError, IndexError):
output += '\n' + duration
# bot sends commute information to user
self.send_info(message, output, bot_handler)
# creates parameters for HTTP request
def parse_pair(self, content_list):
result = {}
for item in content_list:
# enables key value pair
org = item.split('=')
# ensures that invalid inputs are not entered into url request
if len(org) != 2:
key, value = org
result[key] = value
return result
def receive_response(self, params, message, bot_handler):
def validate_requests(request):
if request.status_code == 200:
return request.json()
"Something went wrong. Please try again." +
" Error: {error_num}.\n{error_text}"
error_text=request.text), bot_handler)
r = requests.get('' +
'distancematrix/json', params=params)
result = validate_requests(r)
return result
def handle_message(self, message, bot_handler, state_handler):
original_content = message['content']
query = original_content.split()
if "help" in query:
self.send_info(message, self.help_info, bot_handler)
params = self.parse_pair(query)
params['key'] = self.api_key
rjson = self.receive_response(params, message, bot_handler)
if not rjson:
self.get_send_content(rjson, params, message, bot_handler)
handler_class = CommuteHandler
handler = CommuteHandler()
def test_parse_pair():
result = handler.parse_pair(['departure_time=2016,12,20,23,59,00',
assert result == dict(departure_time='2016,12,20,23,59,00',
def test_calculate_seconds():
result = handler.calculate_seconds('2016,12,20,23,59,00')
assert result == str(1482278340)
def test_helper_functions():
if __name__ == '__main__':