# screencap-bot this is a cohost bot that periodically posts randomly-chosen screencaps or audio clips from a configured collection of tv series/movies/podcasts/etc. ## installation you can build screencap-bot with cargo by cloning this repo, or install it as a Nix Flake. it needs the ffmpeg library, and also needs the ffmpeg binary in its `PATH` when it's running. the default package provided by the flake is a wrapped version that adds ffmpeg to its `PATH` for you. ## configuration screencap-bot is configured with the following environment variables, which can also be put in a `.env` file in the program's working directory: - `SCREENCAP_BOT_CAPTURE_IMAGES`: whether to take screenshots (default: `true`) - `SCREENCAP_BOT_CAPTURE_AUDIO_DURATION`: length of audio clips to capture, in seconds. if unset, or set to 0, audio will not be captured. (default: unset, no audio capture) - `SCREENCAP_BOT_SUBTITLE_LANGUAGE`: ISO-639-2 three-letter code for a subtitle language to embed in screenshots. if this is set to an empty string, or if a video doesn't have any subtitle track tagged with this language, no subtitles will be embedded. (default: `eng`) - `SCREENCAP_BOT_AUDIO_LANGUAGE`: ISO-639-2 three-letter code for an audio language to prefer when capturing audio clips. if this is unset, set to an empty string, or if a media file doesn't have any audio track tagged with this language, screencap-bot will choose an arbitrary audio track. (default: unset) - `SCREENCAP_BOT_SHOWS_FILE`: path of a YAML file specifying what shows to take captures from (default: `./shows.yaml`) - `SCREENCAP_BOT_GLOBAL_TAGS`: tags to put on every post the bot makes, as a comma-separated list (eg `bot account,automated post,The Cohost Bot Feed`) (default: none) - `SCREENCAP_BOT_POST_INTERVAL`: the interval between posts, in seconds (default: 0, post a single capture and then exit) - `SCREENCAP_BOT_COHOST_EMAIL`: the email address the bot should use to log into cohost - `SCREENCAP_BOT_COHOST_PASSWORD`: the password the bot should use to log into cohost - `SCREENCAP_BOT_COHOST_PAGE`: the cohost page the bot should post from - `SCREENCAP_BOT_COHOST_DRAFT`: whether to create cohost posts as drafts, eg for testing (default: `false`) - `SCREENCAP_BOT_COHOST_CW`: whether to CW posts with the episode number (default: `true` if taking screenshots, `false` if not) - `SCREENCAP_BOT_18PLUS`: whether posts should be flagged as containing 18+ content (default: `false`). this can be overridden for individual shows, see below. - `RUST_LOG`: log levels, for the app as a whole and/or for specific submodules/libraries. See [`env_logger`](https://docs.rs/env_logger/latest/env_logger/)'s documentation for details. ### shows the list of shows the bot should take screencaps from is read from a YAML file with the following structure: ```yaml Char's Counterattack: path: /home/user/media/Gundam_CCA.mkv weight: 2.5 Gundam 0079: path: /home/user/media/Mobile Suit Gundam 0079/ tags: - MSG 0079 - "0079" - First Gundam MS IGLOO: path: /home/user/media/Gundam Igloo parts: 1: The Hidden One Year War 2: Apocalypse 0079 Gundam 0069: path: /home/user/media/Gundam 0069 18+: true Friends at the Table: path: /home/user/media/Friends at the Table custom_episodes: prefix: "Friends at the Table: " regex: '^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} - (?.*)\.mp3$' ``` each top-level key is a show title, which will be used in spoiler warnings on posts and in image alt text. each show has two keys: - `path`: the path of a single video file, or the path of a directory containing numbered video files for each episode of a series. all of the episodes must be directly inside the directory, the bot will not traverse subdirectories to find files. - `tags`: an optional list of tags to put on posts from this show. - `parts`: an optional map of season numbers to season names. by default, if the bot detects episodes from multiple seasons in a directory, it will refer to them as "season [number]" in post CWs and image alt-text. this is a map rather than a list, since show season numbers may be 1-indexed or 0-indexed. - `weight`: an optional weight for this show in the random sampling of shows. each show without a weight specified has a weight of `1.0`. - `18+`: an optional setting for whether screencaps from this show should be flagged as containing 18+ content. if present, this takes precedence over the `SCREENCAP_BOT_18PLUS` environment variable. - `custom_episodes`: Rather than letting the bot auto-detect episode numbering, you can extract episode numbers from filenames using a regex. + `regex`: should match a filename, and capture the episode number or title in a capture group named `episode`. Files that don't match the regex will be ignored. + `prefix`: Will be prepended to whatever is captured by the regex. (default: empty string)