transbeam logo: a laser warning sign in trans flag colors


A low-latency file drop web app

## features - One-to-many transfer of large files - Simple web UI for sender and receivers - Word-based download codes that are easy to remember and communicate - Receivers can begin downloading *immediately*, without needing to wait for the upload to finish - Receivers can also download after the upload is complete and the sender has gone offline - Easy to send multiple files at once - they're bundled into a zip file for receivers, with zero compression so extraction is quick - Can also download individual files out of an uploaded collection - Sanitises filenames, using sensible non-obnoxious defaults that should be safe across platforms - Rudimentary password authentication for uploading files - Fires a laser beam that turns you trans ## configuration transbeam is configured with the following environment variables: - `TRANSBEAM_STORAGE_DIR`: path where uploaded files should be stored (default: `./storage`) - `TRANSBEAM_STATIC_DIR`: path where the web app's static files live (default: `./static`) - `TRANSBEAM_STATE_FILE`: path of a JSON file where transbeam will store file metadata and other persistent state (default: `$TRANSBEAM_STORAGE_DIR/files.json` if that's already an existing file (for backwards compatibility), `./transbeam.json` otherwise) - `TRANSBEAM_BASE_URL`: base URL for this transbeam instance, without trailing `/` - `TRANSBEAM_PORT`: port to listen on localhost for http requests (default: 8080) - `TRANSBEAM_REVERSE_PROXY`: whether transbeam is running behind a reverse proxy (recommended), or directly exposed to the internet. If true, transbeam will only bind to localhost, and will use the `Forwarded` or `X-Forwarded-For` headers to determine client IP addresses for logs. If false, transbeam will bind on all interfaces, and will always log the peer IP address. (default: true) - `TRANSBEAM_MAX_LIFETIME`: maximum number of days files can be kept for (default: 30) - `TRANSBEAM_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE`: maximum size of a fileset being uploaded (default: 16G). Size values can be a bare number of bytes, or a number with a suffix. (For example, "K" or "KB" for power-of-10 kilobytes, "Ki" or "KiB" for kibibytes - suffixes are not case-sensitive.) - `TRANSBEAM_MAX_STORAGE_SIZE`: maximum total size of all files being stored by transbeam (default: 64G) - `TRANSBEAM_MNEMONIC_CODES`: generate memorable download codes using English words, rather than random alphanumeric strings (default: true) - `TRANSBEAM_UPLOAD_PASSWORD`: password for uploading files. This isn't meant to be a hardcore security measure, just a defense against casual internet randos filling up your storage. I strongly recommend setting up fail2ban to throttle password attempts; transbeam logs failed attempts along with IP addresses, in the form `Incorrect authentication attempt from`. - `TRANSBEAM_CACHEBUSTER`: query string that will be appended to CSS and JS files, to force re-fetching of cached files when needed. - `RUST_LOG`: log levels, for the app as a whole and/or for specific submodules/libraries. See [`env_logger`]('s documentation for details. ## running ### nix flakes ``` nix run git+ ``` (The Nix package is wrapped with `TRANSBEAM_STATIC_DIR` set automatically to the correct Nix store path, so it'll serve the static files properly no matter what directory you run it from. `TRANSBEAM_CACHEBUSTER` is set automatically to a hash of the static files' store path, so it will change whenever the static files change.) ### non-nix ``` git clone cd transbeam cargo run --release ``` ## user reviews *"transbeam is the greatest invention of all time!"* *"transbeam cured my depression!"* *"transbeam punched me in the face once. It was awesome."*