const FILE_CHUNK_SIZE = 16384; const MAX_FILES = 256; let files = []; let socket; let fileIndex = 0; let byteIndex = 0; let bytesSent = 0; let totalBytes = 0; let maxSize = null; let uploadPassword; let messageBox; let fileInput; let fileList; let uploadButton; let lifetimeInput; let downloadCode; let progress; let progressBar; document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { document.body.className = "landing"; messageBox = document.getElementById('message'); fileInput = document.getElementById('file_input'); fileList = document.getElementById('file_list'); uploadButton = document.getElementById('upload_button'); lifetimeInput = document.getElementById('lifetime'); downloadCode = document.getElementById('download_code'); progress = document.getElementById('progress'); progressBar = document.getElementById('progress_bar'); const uploadPasswordInput = document.getElementById('upload_password'); const uploadPasswordForm = document.getElementById('upload_password_form'); uploadPasswordForm.addEventListener('submit', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); uploadPassword = uploadPasswordInput.value; fetch('/upload/check_password', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ password: uploadPassword }), }).then((res) => { if (res.ok) { updateFiles(); } else { messageBox.textContent = (res.status === 403) ? 'Incorrect password' : 'An error occurred'; uploadPasswordInput.value = ''; document.body.className = 'error landing'; } }); }); fileInput.addEventListener('input', () => { for (const file of fileInput.files) { addFile(file); } updateFiles(); fileInput.value = ''; }); uploadButton.addEventListener('click', beginUpload); const downloadCodeContainer = document.getElementById('download_code_container'); downloadCodeContainer.addEventListener('click', () => { const downloadUrl = new URL(`download?code=${downloadCode.textContent}`, window.location); navigator.clipboard.writeText(downloadUrl.href); downloadCodeContainer.className = 'copied'; }); downloadCodeContainer.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => { downloadCodeContainer.className = ''; }); const downloadCodeInput = document.getElementById('download_code_input'); const downloadButton = document.getElementById('download_button'); const downloadForm = document.getElementById('download_form'); downloadCodeInput.addEventListener('beforeinput', (e) => { if (/^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$/.test( { return; } e.preventDefault(); if ( === ' ') { downloadCodeInput.value += '-'; } }); const disableEnableDownload = () => { downloadButton.disabled = (downloadCodeInput.value === ''); }; disableEnableDownload(); downloadCodeInput.addEventListener('input', disableEnableDownload); downloadForm.addEventListener('submit', (e) => { if (downloadCodeInput.value === '') { e.preventDefault(); } else { setTimeout(() => { downloadCodeInput.value = ''; downloadButton.disabled = true; }, 0); } }); }); function updateFiles() { const fileInputMessage = document.getElementById('file_input_message'); totalBytes = files.reduce((acc, file) => acc + file.size, 0); fileInput.disabled = (files.length >= MAX_FILES || (maxSize !== null && totalBytes >= maxSize)); let extraClasses = ''; if (maxSize !== null && totalBytes > maxSize) { uploadButton.disabled = true; displayError(`The maximum size for uploads is ${displaySize(maxSize)}`); extraClasses = ' error'; } else { uploadButton.disabled = false; } if (files.length === 0) { fileInputMessage.textContent = 'Select files to upload...'; document.body.className = 'no_files selecting' + extraClasses; } else { fileInputMessage.textContent = 'Select more files to upload...'; uploadButton.textContent = `Upload ${files.length} file${files.length > 1 ? 's' : ''} (${displaySize(totalBytes)})`; document.body.className = 'selecting' + extraClasses; } } function addFile(newFile) { if (files.length >= MAX_FILES) { return; } if (files.some((oldFile) => === { return; } files.push(newFile); addListEntry(newFile); } function addListEntry(file) { const listEntry = document.createElement('tr'); const deleteButtonCell = document.createElement('td'); deleteButtonCell.className = 'delete_button'; deleteButtonCell.addEventListener('click', () => { removeFile(; listEntry.remove(); updateFiles(); }); const sizeCell = document.createElement('td'); sizeCell.className = 'file_size'; sizeCell.textContent = displaySize(file.size); const nameCell = document.createElement('td'); nameCell.className = 'file_name'; nameCell.textContent =; listEntry.appendChild(deleteButtonCell); listEntry.appendChild(sizeCell); listEntry.appendChild(nameCell); fileList.appendChild(listEntry); } function removeFile(name) { files = files.filter((file) => !== name); } function beginUpload() { if (files.length === 0 || files.length > MAX_FILES) { return; } fileIndex = 0; byteIndex = 0; bytesSent = 0; let websocketUrl = new URL('upload', window.location); websocketUrl.protocol = (window.location.protocol === 'http:') ? 'ws:' : 'wss:'; socket = new WebSocket(websocketUrl); socket.addEventListener('open', sendManifest); socket.addEventListener('message', handleMessage); socket.addEventListener('close', handleClose); } function sendManifest() { const lifetime = parseInt(lifetimeInput.value); const fileMetadata = => ({ name:, size: file.size, modtime: file.lastModified, })); socket.send(JSON.stringify({ files: fileMetadata, lifetime, password: uploadPassword, })); } function handleMessage(msg) { if (bytesSent === 0) { let reply; try { reply = JSON.parse(; } catch (error) { socket.close(); displayError('Received an invalid response from the server'); console.error(error); return; } if (reply.type === 'ready') { downloadCode.textContent = reply.code; updateProgress(); document.body.className = 'uploading'; sendData(); return; } // we're going to display a more useful error message socket.removeEventListener('close', handleClose); socket.close(); if (reply.type === 'too_big') { maxSize = reply.max_size; updateFiles(); } else if (reply.type === 'too_long') { let options = Array.from(lifetimeInput.options); options.reverse(); for (const option of options) { if (option.value > reply.max_days) { option.disabled = true; } else { option.selected = true; break; } } displayError(`The maximum retention time for uploads is ${reply.max_days} days`); } else if (reply.type === 'incorrect_password') { messageBox.textContent = ('Incorrect password'); document.body.className = 'error landing'; } else if (reply.type === 'error') { displayError(reply.details); } } else { if ( === 'ack') { sendData(); } else { console.error('Received unexpected message from server instead of ack',; displayError(); socket.close(); } } } function sendData() { if (fileIndex >= files.length) { finishSending(); return; } const currentFile = files[fileIndex]; if (byteIndex < currentFile.size) { const endpoint = Math.min(byteIndex+FILE_CHUNK_SIZE, currentFile.size); const data = currentFile.slice(byteIndex, endpoint); socket.send(data); byteIndex = endpoint; bytesSent += data.size; updateProgress(); } else { fileIndex += 1; byteIndex = 0; sendData(); } } function updateProgress() { let percentage; if (totalBytes === 0) { percentage = "0%"; } else { percentage = `${(bytesSent*100/totalBytes).toFixed(1)}%`; } progress.textContent = `${percentage} (${displaySize(bytesSent)}/${displaySize(totalBytes)})`; = percentage; const fileEntries = Array.from(fileList.children); for (entry of fileEntries.slice(0, fileIndex)) { = "100%"; } if (fileIndex < files.length) { const currentFile = files[fileIndex]; if (currentFile.size > 0) { fileEntries[fileIndex].style.backgroundSize = `${(byteIndex*100/currentFile.size)}%`; } } } function handleClose(e) { console.log('Websocket closed', e); if (fileIndex >= files.length) { displayCompletion(); } else { let error; if (e.code === 1011) { if (e.reason) { error = `Server error: ${e.reason}`; } else { error = "A server error has occurred." } } else if (e.reason) { error = e.reason; } displayError(error); } } function finishSending() { if (socket.bufferedAmount > 0) { setTimeout(finishSending, 1000); return; } socket.close(); displayCompletion(); } function displayCompletion() { messageBox.textContent = 'Upload complete!'; document.body.className = 'completed'; removePerFileProgressBars(); // completed file backgrounds are handled in CSS } function displayError(error) { messageBox.textContent = error || 'An error has occurred.'; document.body.className = 'selecting error'; removePerFileProgressBars(); } function removePerFileProgressBars() { const fileEntries = Array.from(fileList.children); for (entry of fileEntries) { = "0%"; } }