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2020-06-26 03:04:11 -04:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import asyncio
import discord
import json
import random
import re
2020-06-26 03:04:11 -04:00
import sys
BLOCKS_FILE = 'blocks.json'
def get_blocks():
with open(BLOCKS_FILE) as f:
return {int(k): v for (k, v) in json.load(f).items()}
except FileNotFoundError:
return {}
def add_block(requester, target):
blocks = get_blocks()
if requester not in blocks:
blocks[requester] = []
if target not in blocks[requester]:
with open(BLOCKS_FILE, 'w') as f:
json.dump(blocks, f)
def remove_block(requester, target):
blocks = get_blocks()
if requester not in blocks:
while target in blocks[requester]:
if len(blocks[requester]) == 0:
del blocks[requester]
with open(BLOCKS_FILE, 'w') as f:
json.dump(blocks, f)
2020-06-26 03:04:11 -04:00
def matchings(l):
count = len(l)
if count == 0:
2020-06-26 03:04:11 -04:00
return []
l = l.copy()
ids = set(u.id for u in l)
blocks = get_blocks()
block_pairs = set()
for r in blocks:
if r in ids:
for t in blocks[r]:
if t in ids:
block_pairs.add((min(r,t), max(r,t)))
disjoint_pairs = []
while True:
paired = set(u for pair in disjoint_pairs for u in pair)
remaining = set(p for p in block_pairs if p[0] not in paired and p[1] not in paired)
if len(remaining) == 0:
circle = [None]*(count - 1)
center = None
for i in range(count // 2):
if len(disjoint_pairs) != 0:
p = disjoint_pairs.pop()
l = [u for u in l if u.id not in p]
u0 = p[0]
u1 = p[1]
u0 = l.pop()
u1 = l.pop()
circle[i] = u0
if i != count // 2 - 1:
circle[-(i+1)] = u1
center = u1
2020-06-26 03:04:11 -04:00
result = []
for i in range(len(circle)):
matching = [(center, circle[i])]
for j in range(1, (len(circle)-1)//2 + 1):
matching.append((circle[(i-j)%len(circle)], circle[(i+j)%len(circle)]))
2020-06-26 03:04:11 -04:00
for i in range(len(result)):
result = [matching for matching in result if all((min(match[0].id,match[1].id), max(match[0].id,match[1].id)) not in block_pairs for match in matching)]
2020-06-26 03:04:11 -04:00
return result
async def delete_if_possible(channels):
for c in channels:
await c.delete()
2020-06-26 18:51:22 -04:00
async def countdown(channel):
await asyncio.sleep(20)
await channel.send('10', tts=True)
await asyncio.sleep(5)
await channel.send('5', tts=True)
await asyncio.sleep(5)
2020-06-26 03:04:11 -04:00
with open('config.json') as f:
config = json.load(f)
client = discord.Client()
async def handle_guild_message(message):
2020-06-26 03:04:11 -04:00
if not message.content.startswith('!waggle'):
if not message.author.guild_permissions.administrator:
await message.channel.send('only administrators can start pollination!')
argv = message.content.split()
if len(argv) > 1:
rounds = int(message.content.split()[1])
except ValueError:
2020-06-26 04:13:03 -04:00
await message.channel.send("usage: `!waggle 6` for at most 6 rounds of pollination, `!waggle` for as many rounds as possible until everyone's met everyone else")
2020-06-26 03:04:11 -04:00
rounds = None
voice_state = message.author.voice
if voice_state is None or voice_state.channel is None:
await message.channel.send('you need to be in the main gathering voice channel to start pollination')
main_voice_channel = voice_state.channel
category = message.channel.category
if category is None:
await message.channel.send("please re-send this message in a channel in the category where you'd like me to create voice channels")
participants = main_voice_channel.members.copy()
if len(participants) % 2 != 0:
await message.channel.send('leaving out {} so we have an even number of participants'.format(message.author.mention))
mention_all = ' '.join(u.mention for u in participants)
schedule = matchings(participants)
if rounds:
schedule = schedule[:rounds]
if len(schedule) == 0:
await message.channel.send("there aren't enough people for pollination right now :(")
2020-06-26 03:04:11 -04:00
pollination_channels = []
channel_names = config['channel_names'].copy()
exception_count = 0
2020-06-26 17:51:49 -04:00
while len(pollination_channels) < len(participants)//2:
2020-06-26 03:04:11 -04:00
if len(channel_names) > 0:
name = channel_names.pop(0)
name = 'pollination-{}'.format(random.randrange(10000))
pollination_channels.append(await category.create_voice_channel(name))
exception_count = 0
except discord.Forbidden:
await message.channel.send("looks like I'm not allowed to create voice channels :(")
await delete_if_possible(pollination_channels)
except discord.HTTPException as e:
exception_count += 1
if exception_count > 20:
await message.channel.send("I'm trying to create voice channels, but something's wrong: {}".format(e))
await delete_if_possible(pollination_channels)
2020-06-26 18:51:22 -04:00
await message.channel.send("{} Welcome to pollination! You'll be randomly paired up, moved into separate voice channels, spend some time chatting, and then move to a new channel and meet somebody else. Each round will last 5 minutes, and there'll be {} rounds total. I'll announce when your time is nearly up so you can wrap up your conversations, and I'll automatically move you to a different voice channel at the start of each new round. If you keep this text channel open, you'll get audible countdowns via text-to-speech at the end of each round. **Feel free to leave at any time if you need to. You won't get moved into new voice channels if you disconnect from voice.** If you find yourself alone in a channel, the person you were paired with for that round may have left; just relax and take a break for 5 minutes. Have fun!".format(mention_all, len(schedule)))
2020-06-26 03:37:20 -04:00
2020-06-26 03:04:11 -04:00
for matching in schedule:
2020-06-26 03:37:20 -04:00
announcement = 'Next round starting in 30 seconds:\n'
2020-06-26 03:04:11 -04:00
announcement += '\n'.join('{0} and {1} in {2}'.format(a.mention, b.mention, c.name) for ((a, b), c) in zip(matching, pollination_channels))
await message.channel.send(announcement)
2020-06-26 18:51:22 -04:00
await countdown(message.channel)
2020-06-26 03:04:11 -04:00
for ((a, b), c) in zip(matching, pollination_channels):
await a.move_to(c)
except e:
2020-06-26 03:37:20 -04:00
print('failed to move participant {}: {}'.format(a, e), file=sys.stderr)
2020-06-26 03:04:11 -04:00
await b.move_to(c)
except e:
2020-06-26 03:37:20 -04:00
print('failed to move participant {}: {}'.format(b, e), file=sys.stderr)
2020-06-26 03:04:11 -04:00
await asyncio.sleep(60*3)
2020-06-26 03:37:20 -04:00
await message.channel.send('Round ending in 2 minutes {}'.format(mention_all))
2020-06-26 03:04:11 -04:00
await asyncio.sleep(60)
2020-06-26 03:37:20 -04:00
await message.channel.send('Round ending in 1 minute {}'.format(mention_all))
2020-06-26 03:04:11 -04:00
await asyncio.sleep(30)
2020-06-26 03:37:20 -04:00
await message.channel.send('Returning to main channel in 30 seconds {}'.format(mention_all))
2020-06-26 18:51:22 -04:00
await countdown(message.channel)
2020-06-26 03:04:11 -04:00
for u in participants:
await u.move_to(main_voice_channel)
except e:
2020-06-26 03:37:20 -04:00
print('failed to move participant {}: {}'.format(u, e), file=sys.stderr)
2020-06-26 03:04:11 -04:00
await delete_if_possible(pollination_channels)
async def handle_dm(message):
requester = message.author.id
match = re.search('@([^#]+)#([0-9a-f]+)', message.content)
if match:
handle = match.group(0)
name = match.group(1)
discriminator = match.group(2)
matching_users = [u for u in client.users if u.name == name and u.discriminator == discriminator]
if len(matching_users) == 0:
await message.channel.send("sorry, I can't find user {}".format(handle))
target = matching_users[0].id
if target in get_blocks().get(requester, []):
await message.channel.send("removing {} from your list of blocked users for pollination".format(handle))
remove_block(requester, target)
await message.channel.send("adding {} to your list of blocked users for pollination".format(handle))
add_block(requester, target)
blocks = get_blocks().get(requester, [])
if len(blocks) == 0:
await message.channel.send("you currently don't have anyone blocked for pollination")
await message.channel.send("your current list of blocked users for pollination is:\n{}".format('\n'.join('@{}#{}'.format(u.name, u.discriminator) for u in [client.get_user(uid) for uid in blocks] if u is not None)))
await message.channel.send("to block or unblock a user, DM me their handle, like @creep#0000. to see this message and your list of blocked users, DM me something random. buzz buzz!")
async def on_ready():
print('logged in as {0.user}'.format(client), file=sys.stderr)
async def on_message(message):
if message.author == client.user:
if isinstance(message.channel, discord.TextChannel):
await handle_guild_message(message)
elif isinstance(message.channel, discord.DMChannel):
await handle_dm(message)
2020-06-26 03:04:11 -04:00