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# transbeam websocket api
- After opening the connection, the client sends an upload manifest to
the server. This is a JSON object containing the following keys:
- `files`: a list of metadata objects for all the files to be
uploaded, in the exact order they will be sent. This list must
contain at least 1 file and at most 256 files. Each file metadata
object has the following keys, all required:
- `name`: The name of the file. This will be sanitised on the
server side, but the sanitisation library isn't especially
restrictive; most Unicode code points will be allowed through
- `size`: The exact size of the file, in bytes.
- `modtime`: The modification time of the file, as milliseconds
since the Unix epoch.
- `lifetime`: an integer number of days the files should be kept
- Once the server receives the metadata, it will respond with a
JSON-encoded object containing at least the field `type`, and
possibly other fields as well. The types of message, and their
associated extra fields if any, are as follows:
- `ready`: The server will accept the upload and is ready to receive
- `code`: A code string that can be used to download the files,
starting now.
- `too_big`: The upload is rejected because the total size of the
files is bigger than the server is willing to accept.
- `max_size`: The maximum total upload size the server will
accept. This is subject to change if the admin changes the
config, or if the server's storage space is filling up.
- `too_long`: The upload is rejected because the requested lifetime
is longer than the server will allow.
- `max_days`: The maximum number of days the client can request
files be kept for.
- `error`: A miscellaneous error has occurred.
- `details`: A string with more information about the error.
If the message type is anything other than `ready`, the connection
will be closed by the server.
- If the server is ready to receive files, the client begins sending
chunks of data from the files, as raw binary blobs. The client must
transmit each file's data in order from start to finish, and must
transmit the files in the same order they were listed in the
metadata. The size of the chunks isn't currently specified, and
it's fine for a chunk to span the end of one file and the start of
the next. After sending each chunk (that is, each complete
websocket message), the client must wait for the server to
acknowledge the chunk by sending back the string "ack", and then
send the next chunk if there is one. Once all chunks have been sent
and acknowledged, or once the server has sent a message other than
"ack" to indicate an error, the connection will be closed.