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<img alt="transbeam logo: a laser warning sign in trans flag colors" height="300" src="">
# transbeam
A low-latency file drop server
## features
- One-to-many transfer of large files
- Simple web UI for sender and receivers
- Receivers can begin downloading *immediately*, without needing to
wait for the upload to finish
- Receivers can also download after the upload is complete and the
sender has gone offline
- Easy to send multiple files at once - they're bundled into a zip
file for receivers, with zero compression so extraction is quick
- Sanitizes filenames
- Fires a laser beam that turns you trans
## configuration
transbeam is configured with the following environment variables:
- `STORAGE_DIR`: path where uploaded files should be stored (default: `./storage`)
- `STATIC_DIR`: path where the web app's static files live (default: `./static`)
- `PORT`: port to listen on localhost for http requests (default: 8080)
## installation
## configuration
## todo
- [ ] real-time file downloading
- [ ] upload progress bar
- [ ] uploader auth
- [ ] downloader auth
- [ ] delete uploads after a while